The Savage Grace Launch Party written by Bree Despain was so fun! It was on March 13. I’ve read the first two books in The Dark Divine Trilogy and am working on book three, The Savage Grace, right now. They are awesome and reviews will be up for all three of them this week!
I thought it was so funny that Bree Despain nicknamed book two, The Lost Saint, as “the book that ate my soul.” She thought the third book had to be cake compared to writing a second book. Right?
Bree explained that no one really teaches you how to write a sequel or a third book. She felt like she had to learn all over again. There were some easy parts to writing The Savage Grace. For example, she knew her characters.
But there were Four Obstacles that she had to tackle when writing it.
- The threads all have to come together now (and she showed a hilarious picture of a guy all covered in strings)
- Is it just me or do last books have a lot more climax?
- Characters need their chance to come full circle. Some make it, some surpass it, some fail, some die.
- Saying goodbye to her characters *cue cheesy music* was the hardest for Bree to conquer. She kept putting off writing the final 2 chapters and kept turning it in unfinished to her editor. Then she hears this from her editor: “I love the ending.” Dun dun dun. “Uhhh….. that’s not the ending.” Her editor tells her that the book is going to print in two days – she has to write the ending NOW. Bree explained that she doesn’t know if the perfect ending is out there, but she wrote what felt natural to her characters.
Then there was a fun trivia drawing. Here are the questions. Highlight in between the brackets to see the answers.
1.What is the Divine’s family real last name? Answer: {Divinovich}
2.Who wrote the letters about werewolf lore contained in the ancient book that Grace’s father gave her in The Dark Divine? Answer: {Gabriel}
3.What did Grace’s father want to be before he decided to become a pastor? A. Mechanic, B. Aritst, C. Lawyer. Answer: {A. Artist (That’s why he’s supportive of Grace)}
4.Grace enjoys art but her mother wants her to “keep her options open” and consider becoming a ______ like her. Answer: {Nurse}
5.What kind of car does Grace drive? Answer: {Corolla} Bonus question: What color is it? Answer: {Teal green}
6.Talbot has a very distinctive wardrobe. Name one of the specific items of clothing that he is almost always described as wearing. Name 1 of 3 things Answer: {Belt buckle – texas ranger, flanel shirt, baseball cap}
7.April says she wants to be ______ to Grace’s Batman. Answer: {Alfred}
8.Daniel lives in the basement apartment in the house of a woman who used to be a babysitter to him. She is also considered being like a grandmother to Grace. What is this woman’s name? Answer: {Maryanne Duke}
9.What kind of demon is Mishka? Answer: {Akh or vampire}
10.What is the name of Grace’s three-legged dog she saves from a farm? Answer: {Daisy} Bonus Question: What happened to that dog? Answer: {Caleb ripped out her throat.}
I won the moonstone necklace (above) in the trivia challenge from Infinite Jewelry. I got 9 answers right out of 12 (counting the bonus questions). I still can’t believe I won that adorable necklace! The whole time I was reading these books, I kept thinking it would be so awesome if someone made Grace’s moonstone necklace….oooh, I’m getting chills at the fate that went on here :)
Me and my friends all won something! Amber won chocolate covered cinnamon bears and Alyssa won Alice’s bracelet (below).
There was awesome cake.
And I got to meet Bree!
I got this awesome prize pack for one of you! You could win a signed hardcover of The Savage Grace, a Dark Divine sticker, a bookmark, and nail polish that matches the cover!
I’m sad I missed this one, but will be going to the book signing she has tonight at Jordan Landing B and N. :)
Happy Reading.
I can’t wait to start this series! Winning the 3rd book would give me the excuse I need. Thanks for the chance.
I would so love to win this prize pack. How cool that you got to meet the author! Thanks for the giveaway.