Thanks to Penelope at The Reading Fever for doing this reading challenge! I was supposed to do the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling discussion last month, but better late than never… :) I’m answering my questions based on my memory since I haven’t re-read them yet this year.
- What is your favorite line from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban? “You think the dead we loved truly ever leave us? You think that we don’t recall them more clearly in times of great trouble?” – Albus Dumbledore
- If the Knight Bus hadn’t been summoned when it was, what might have happened? Would Harry have believed Sirius if he had introduced himself? I don’t think Sirius would have even introduced himself. I think he was just keeping an eye on Harry and getting to know him. He would have needed more proof for Harry to believe him.
- In this book, Voldemort doesn’t play a major part. What do you think the purpose of this was? Do you think it was for the better, or worse? It made me feel like Voldemort was taking his time planning something truly awful…
- Why do you think Professor McGonagall gave Hermione the time-turner? Was it to allow her to learn a lesson, or do you believe she thought Hermione could handle taking so many classes? I think it was to teach Hermione a lesson about balance and over-achievement. Also, I think McGonagall thought it might come in handy for other things. She was pretty smart :)
- What do you think Hermione learned from trying to do too many things at once? What did YOU learn about her character after learning about all the classes she was taking? I think it made her realize whats really important. I thought it was endearing how badly she wanted to learn everything there was to know. It’s the kind of thing I would want to do. She’s also a perfectionist and I think she learned from the whole thing to let loose a little and have fun.
- What is one emotion you felt strongly, while reading this book? I liked the thriller aspect to it where there was a murderer on the loose, but my favorite part was the twist at the end. Rowling is so amazing at adding twists that you don’t notice until the very end. The RAT was the murderer??! It totally makes sense now and why didn’t I think it was weird that Ron’s rat had lived for 12 years….
- Is there something that bothered you about this book? Why? Sometimes I wanted to whack Harry for sneaking out of the castle to go to Hogsmeade because it was not only breaking the rules, but it was extra dangerous and he knew it! Then again, it’s how teenagers really act but when you’re not a teenager any more it can drive you nuts when they make dumb decisions.
- What important relationships did Harry form in this book, and why are they important? The new relationships that he formed that will be very important later on are with Lupin and Sirius. He learns about his father from them and they act like surrogate fathers to him in different ways.
- Just for fun: What part of the book made you laugh the most? If you’ve read it before, does it still make you laugh? I love the part where the map insults Professor Snape!! And when Longbottom loses the list of passwords…it’s funny and sad at the same time. :)
The quote you picked is also my favorite from the book. I absolutely love this book. It’s my favorite of the series. I love its complexity.
I agree that Sirius would not have introduced himself. I love his character so much. I also agree that Hermione’s character is a perfect example of how we need to look outside of ourselves – and not in a selfish way but in that we can wrapped up in our life (in this case school, and wanting to know everything) that sometimes we forget there is a world outside of that. In my case, and for many book bloggers, that is books and their site.Great answers!!