Monument 14
by Emmy Laybourne
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When I read, I ask a LOT of questions. Here’s some stuff I searched or wondered about while reading Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne.
From my review:
There was such a colorful cast of characters that clashed together in fun ways. It made me laugh out loud even though there were truly terrifying things going on. Seriously. Like, the world is ending and I’m laughing me head off. I even read a few passages to my husband between laughs because he wanted to know what was so dang funny. But don’t get me wrong – even though there are some very funny moments, there were also some very touching moments that really got to me, especially the ones with the little kids…Read more
I loved this book! It’s a must read!
Random Questions:
Who is Cro-Magnon-man?
“I understood Brayden was considered handsome by the girls. He had that olive color of skin that always seems tan, and brown, wavy hair and very thick eyebrows. Kind of Cro-Magnon-man to me…” – Dean, from Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne (pg 18 Hardcover)
“They were the first early modern humans (early Homo sapiens sapiens) of the European Upper Paleolithic. The earliest known remains of Cro-Magnon-like humans are radiocarbon dated to 43,000 years before present.” (Source: Wiki)
In other words – a cave man. HA HA! :)
I have to say this caveman dude does have a nice tan with sexy, wavy locks. I really like the narrator of this book, Dean. He’s funny in an intellectual way :)
What are Huevos Rancheros?
“If huevos rancheros is scrambled eggs with salsa on tip, then Ulysses did, indeed, know how to make huevos rancheros.” -Dean, from Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne (pg 132 Hardcover)
Huevos rancheros is a breakfast dish with eggs on top of a corn tortilla and salsa on top (well, according to Wiki anyway). This sounds so good. I’m totally going to make it now.
Random Thoughts:
When I was reading, I kept thinking in my mind that the store was called “Safeway” and not “Greenway.” The irony of that just kills me. Now I have to pause for a second when I try to remember which store was the real one. Oh well :) The store in the book is more like a Wal-Mart anyway.
Books Mentioned:
Before I started my blog, I built my reading list almost entirely from books mentioned in other books. There were two books mentioned in Monument 14.
1. A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf
2. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
This alone proves the author has excellent taste in books.
Funny Quote:
This book has a lot of funny moments when it’s not being terrifying and apocalyptic, but most of the jokes only make sense in the context of the book. Here’s one joke that doesn’t need context and it had me laughing my head off. Chloe is one of the elementary school kids. She’s 8 if I remember right.
“There I saw Chloe, freshly bathed, wrapped in a towel, eating fun-size Butterfingers one after another like a chain smoker and watching me like I was her soap opera.” – Dean, from Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne (pg 86 Hardcover)
Author Questions:
Emmy Laybourne was so nice to answer a few burning questions that I had. Thank you so much Emmy!!
So Emmy, what are you going to be doing on September 18, 2024? (I loved that you picked a real date for the events in your book:)
I suspect that on September 18, 2024 I will be either driving my son Rex to college for the first time or sobbing at home because I have just driven my son Rex to college!
Aw…Kids growing up is so bittersweet. I feel the same way about my kids going to kindergarten! I think that on Sept. 18, 2024 I’ll be watching the weather channel or like hoarding bottled water or something. I’m kidding…kind of.
How is the Network different from the Internet today?
The Network is, in my imagination, a Government-run service that is touted as completely infallible. It becomes a sort of a social service – a nationwide utility that everyone is required to subscribe to. Think car insurance or electricity…
I think that’s such an interesting idea to have the Internet be run by the Government. The Internet has become like a utility to us today because we rely on it so much. But based on the events in your book, I’m really glad that it’s not!
Jess, you know I love your Google Diaries! :-) Monument 14 was already on my To-Read List, but your post here just bumped it up! Isn’t Emmy amazing? She is so hilarious and eloquent in person, and I’m glad that shines through in her writing.
Thanks for sharing <3
AW thanks! Emmy is so funny and amazing – I totally agree! :) When you start Monument 14, keep me updated. I want to know what you think!
Love the caveman. Lol!
Hey, I awarded you the Fabulous Blog Ribbon on my Clean Adult Fiction blog. Don’t feel like you have to participate. I’m always looking for things to post on my smaller adult blog. I just wanted you to know that I love your blog! Sharing the love. :)Kathryn @ Clean Adult Fiction
Amazing post! Complex is these topics but pleasing to
reading because of crazy issue. Thanks!