The lovely Kiersten White came to The King’s English on July 26 to sign her book Endlessly, the last in her Paranormalcy series. I adored this series. You can read my reviews for Paranormalcy, Supernaturally, and Endlessly if you want. I highly recommend reading my reviews, but I’m a little biased. :) Also, I know this is a month late but I’m hoping later is better than never.
Kiersten said that Paranormalcy was written from a challenge from Natalie Whipple. Natalie asked if she would do a novel about vampires. Kiersten said, “No – they’re the worst. It’s been done. Once you make them sparkling like diamonds where else can you take it?” Then she thought about how there was a lot of room for humor in the paranomral genre all mixed in with some juicy and hilarious teen angst. Middle grade was a big inspiration since it’s not afraid to be funny. So she set out to write a paranormal romance that had all the things she loved about that genre but that also had fun with it.
Then Kiersten read a passage from Endlessly about her unicorns with their gunk encrusted eyelashes :) You know, even though she tried to make unicorns ugly I still think her unicorns are cute. Kind of like ugly dogs are cute – they’re just so ugly you feel sorry for them and it somehow makes them adorable.
Kiersten loooves depriving people of sleep. But she is sorry if she made you cry. (For the record she made me cry AND lose lots of sleep).
Here are some of the questions from the audience (these aren’t direct quotes but my paraphrasing what I can understand from my recording):
First off, the cutest little girl (who must have been like 5) asks about My Little Pony and Kiersten talked a little about the show (which I have never seen, but she got me oddly interested in Problem Solving Castle). Kiersten’s favorite Pony is Pinkie Pie and she had never been asked these questions at a signing. That little girl was adorable, I tell you.
I decided to ask an off-the-wall question: Can you see it when Lend eats?
Kiersten: I don’t know. That was something Natalie had to address in her upcoming book but I’m all like whatever he’s magic.
I follow up with: Does he like seafood?
Kiersten muses that that would seem morally wrong to him…. I’m not sure….. I don’t think Evie does either because of her best friend mermaid…. I’m gonna say No. They do NOT like seafood.
Is the Paranormalcy series going to be made into a film?
There was a screen play written for a movie but it didn’t work out so now it’s looking more toward TV. Kiersten thought her story was more geared to TV anyway. (GOOD HEAVENS I HOPE THIS IS TRUE. I would love this series as a TV show.)
From the back, her son asks “Is this almost over????” It was very cute and Kiersten laughed at that.
Kiersten talked about some authors and books that have influenced her writing. She adores John Green and thinks that he’s one of those authors that is still going to be read in 30 years. Markus Zusak makes her think that she will never write something as good as him.
There were a few books that helped inspire her writing for Mind Games (that I am waiting for).
- A non-linear book by an author I couldn’t catch.
- Legend by Marie Lu which had dual point of views.
- Imaginary Girls (by…..?) played with guilt issues and sisters.
I’m sorry, but why do I have to wait so long for this book to be published!!? February is so far away….
It was such a fun book signing and I loved meeting her!
I really wish I could’ve gone. I wanted to go, but this last month has been so busy it’s not funny.
It seems like summer should be less busy but it never is….I’ve been crazy busy too. That’s why it took me a whole month to write this LOL :) I still haven’t blogged about Fierce Reads OR Dark Days. I’ll get to it eventually I guess.
I think it’s the mentioned humour in this series that is the main thing I’m looking forward to when I eventually get to read it (hopefully soon!!). I just know I’m going to love it. Kiersten sounds hilarious herself so it’s no surprise, really. A TV show would be awesome!
Awesome recap! I totally agree with you about Mind Games. I need that book like.. RIGHT NOW!