I’m so jazzed for this year’s Bloggiesta! I have been waiting all year for this. I even jumped the gun and got a new design before it even started :) No worries – I still have a humungous list of things to do this weekend.
Friday: I’m going to my first opera (OMG! I can’t wait) and I’m sure as heck not doing anything.
Saturday: Time for the real work
The Big Things
Set up auto-posting to Tumblr with NextScripts plug-in. I already did it for Facebook. It’s kind of tedious to do it this way because you have to set up an API, but I like having control about exactly how it posts everything and not worrying about it stealing pageviews like I’ve heard Networked Blogs does. They have really detailed instructions and Facebook was not hard at all to do. Plus this plug-in is free and it does other social media posting, too.- Install the Ultimate Book Blogger Plug-in so I can set up auto-updating archives for my book reviews. I’m also going to set up the social media, the blog roll, and someday add all of the Author info with the plugin to all my reviews. I mean it does a ton and won’t be able to set it up all today by I’m sure going to try.
- ADDED: I want to change the featured images on my past posts. This new theme sticks an image at the top of every post and it looks pretty (which is why I bought it). But it only looks good if the feature image is the right size. And wow do I have a lot of past posts that look weird. I mean, I know that no one is going to be looking very much at my old posts (heck I don’t even look at them that much). But I will know that they look ugly and it will bother me. So I’m going to work on one category at a time:
Author Interview (3)Blog Tour (2)Book Review (111)Book Signing (13)Events (72) Flashback Friday (18)In My Mailbox (42)My Fictional Stories (1) My Reading Diary (47) New Releases (39)News (46)Reading Challenge (35)Series Theories (5) Top Ten Tuesday (8)Waiting on Wednesday (33) Update my page navigation. I want to add drop-down menus tomy policies page,my about me page,my events page,all the pages. Add a Dusty Bookshelf Page. Challenges page.
The Little/Tedious Things
- Add content and genre tags to all 111 of my book reviews (Should I have like a Elevnty-First Book Review Party? And bring the one ring??)
add cute photo border with captions and withoutI’m going to just leave it as the default. I think the photos look fine without a border, right? :DTweak sidebar. Move all the links into one sidebar and remove anything I don’t need.name after posts? I don’t like the way it displays the author of the post on this new design, so I need to think of something else. Maybe add a signature to the bottom?I just have my name linked to my new about page at the top and bottom of the post. I also added the time at the bottom of the posts cuz why not? :)change visited and unvisited link colors (visited lighter orange)It’s only slightly lighter and I don’t know if you can even tell. It’s mostly to make blog hops easier which I don’t do very often. I’d rather have the pretty orange look uniform throughout than have a big difference between the visited and unvisited links.about me sidebar? I think my new wordpress theme supports this in some sort of fancy way and I want to look into it.Fix currently reading Goodreads badge. Oh huuuuubbbbby are ya busy? Could you write me some custom javascript? :DHA! I fixed it on my own by just using a different Goodreads widget. I love the way it looks now! So clean and no ugly Goodreads Logo.- change comment layout. It looks funny and I have no idea why.
use buttons for sidebars like for signing up for The Dusty Bookshelf reading challenge etc.fix date on posts. My husband had it all cute and then I changed the fonts and messed it up.- ADDED – get a good search widget. mine sucks.
I want to do a few of the challenges if I have some time. I’m going to at least check out all of them and do the ones I can.
Organizing Reviews: Learn how to use Excel spreadsheets to keep track of your reviews fromLauren at Lose Time Reading. (@ooohgirlie)
Google Reader Replacement Options: In light of the announcement that we are losing Google Reader soon, Jenn from The Picky Girl has listed some options for her mini challenge. (@picky_girl) She did a great post about all the RSS readers out there. I’m loving Feedly!
Through a Visitor’s Eye: An awesome challenge from Amanda at On a Book Bender that shows how to look at our blog in a new way and how to make sure you have everything you need for visitors. (@BookBender) I’ve been using my site a lot with this Bloggiesta and I found out that my searching sucks on here! I’m going to need to fix that.
Getting to Know You: Join Suey from It’s All About Books in discovering one new blogger to connect with during this Bloggiesta event. (@SueySays)
Reviewing in Many Places: This flashback challenge from Shanyn at Chick Loves Lit will help you get organized and post your review in lots of places, not just on your blog. (@shanynlee) Added a special to-do list for books that need to be cross-posted.
Anything on my list that you’re doing too?
After reading your section about big things to do.. you must not use blogger. Lucky you! I like how the title of your personal blog matches up to your book blog!! Great idea! Here is my
list. Angie
Also I have just read through your Star Wars posts and am sooo bummed I miss it! UGHHHHH!!!
I am so doing it next year! Join us!! :)
Your goals all sound so intense! I’m impressed.
I’ve also been pondering the idea of a signature. My blog has multiple authors, so I think it would be useful for it to be perfectly clear who wrote what, and I’m not sure that it is right now. Something to consider, I suppose, or ask for opinions. Maybe some people have never even noticed there are multiple authors! :p
I hoard things to do on my blog and then do them all at once this weekend every year :)
I think the signatures or some sort of about me author profile at the bottom is awesome for blogs with multiple authors. I’m wondering if it’s lame though on a blog that only has one author?? I’ll see if I can find something cute for the signature :)
First, I love Feedly too! Second, have a great time at the opera. I wanna goo! Third, what is this about the Ultimate book blogger plug in. Good luck and looking forward to checking out the progress.
Feedly is the best! *fist bump* A lot of people like bloglovin but I was not a fan. The Ultimate Book Blogger plug-in is made for wordpress and has things like spoiler tags, auto-updating review indexes, auto-generating html with book info etc. It’s magical.
What no blogger plug-in? Aww that sucks! Oh well!
That is a lot to do! Good luck!
Holy crap, girl! You sure have a lot to do! Good luck. The labeling thing makes me want to die!
LOL Isn’t that what you spent the last bloggiesta doing? I’m so not looking forward to it…..
Wish there was a Book Blogger plugin for Blogger. I’m looking to moving my blog over to WP but I’m worried as I just got my blog redesigned and don’t want to loose my design :(
My Bloggiesta Goals
Have a great Bloggigesta weekend!
Wow…looks like you’ve been quite productive already!!! I’m with Paperback Princess in that I also wish there was a book blogger plugin for Blogger. Oh well, maybe one day!
Good luck with the rest of your to-do list!
~Kristin @ Always With a Book
You’ve done so much already!!! Keep it up!!!!!!
Here is my Bloggiesta To Do List!
Look at you, zipping through those goals! Way to go :) I love Bloggiesta weekend. I need that kick in the pants now and then!
You’ve done a lot!!! Way to go. :)
You have quite a list and have accomplished a lot..congrats on having such a productive weekend with one day to go! I have lots of similar goals on my list. I’ve heard good things about the Book Blogger plugin. Given that I don’t have time to manually update my review archive and maintenance kind of tasks, maybe that’s a good solution for me. I did the organizing reviews challenge as a way to make sure I cross posted everything correctly to all my social media and the various challenges pages. Well here’s my Bloggiesta goal list and updates if you’d like to stop by..http://momssmallvictories.com/bloggiesta-2013-goals/
Following you now on bloglovin and pinterest but your facebook link didn’t work for me. Just letting you know!
Thanks for telling me! I fixed it :) I’m reading your bloggiesta list right now. I wish I could have done as many mini-challenges as you did!