Well another Bloggiesta has come to an end. Last year, I had Captain Jack Sparrow take you on a tour of my new and improved blog. But he’s too drunk right now to be bothered. So I asked around and no one seemed willing to come on a tour of what I accomplished this weekend besides the lovely Dowager Countess. She came all the way from Downton Abbey.
She’s really excited to be here.
Me: Hi Dowager! What do you think of my blog? I wanted to take you on a tour.
Dowager: First electricity, now telephones. Sometimes I feel as if I were living in an H.G. Wells novel.
Me: LOL. Time flies doesn’t it? So do you like the new navigation?
Dowager: I don’t dislike it. I just don’t like it…which is different.
Me: YAY! :D Mission accomplished. My blog now automatically posts to Facebook and Tumblr now, too. It’s one thing less I have to do anyway. Sometimes it feels as if there is so much to do that I’ll never get it done.
Dowager: Don’t be defeatist dear, it’s terribly middle class.
Me: Right. Sorry. I changed all the featured images on the posts that looked wonky from my new theme. And I cleaned up the sidebar. I was on the computer forever.
Dowager: I couldn’t have electricity in the house, I wouldn’t sleep a wink. All those vapors floating about.
Me: I know. Being on the computer so long probably isn’t good for me. Did you notice that my name comes before and after my posts now and is linked to a new about me page!?
Dowager: And when may you suspect an offer to appear on the London stage?
Me: Pfft any day now with how awesome my blog is. Oh. You were serious. Um, anyway. This weekend I also changed the link colors to be different when you click them and when you don’t.
Dowager: What is a weekend?
Me: Well….it’s………..Oh look I changed my currently reading badge to be just the pretty cover! Isn’t it pretty?
Dowager: No.
Me: Well, you’re wrong.
Dowager: I’m never wrong.
Me: Ok. Maybe you have a point there. But I fixed my dates to be all fancy!
Dowager: What? Oh I’m sorry I started dozing off for a second.
Me: Well now you’ve just made me look ridiculous.
Dowager: Life is a game in which the player must appear ridiculous.
Me: Hmm. Very true. Well thanks for coming on the tour with me! It was mostly fun.
Dowager: Yes. Well. I need a drink….Oh, I’m so sorry… I thought you were a waiter.
Thanks for stopping by! I can’t wait til Bloggiesta in September. See you all then!
LOL!! This is the BEST post! Oh my word, I’m giggling like a fool :)
:D This is what comes out of my brain at midnight after doing a thousand tedious things on my blog LOL.
Hahahahaha!! This is the best ever!! I love all you have done with your blog! It’s great! :) :) :)
Very creative! Love what you’ve done here. And thanks for visiting my blog.
This was fun! Although I kept thinking it was Professor mcgonagall haha. You accomplished so much during this bloggiesta. Great job! Your blogs lookin great.
This was such a creative post. i loved it.
OMG!!!! I LOVE THIS!!!! Sorry about screaming on your blog but I love it!
Screaming and fangirling welcome!!!! THE DOWAGER ROCKS :D
Very creative although when I see her I think Professor Magonagle as I have yet to see Downton Abbey. I’m just now visiting everyone who crossed the Bloggiesta finish line. Glad to meet ya, new follower on bloglovin, facebook, and twitter.
Love this! I haven’t watched Downtown Abbey yet, so I picture her in her Harry Potter role.