Palace of Stone
by Shannon Hale
Series: Princess Academy #2
Published: August 21, 2012
Genres: Fantasy, Middle Grade
Format: Hardcover (323 pages)
Source: Library
Picking up where "Princess Academy" left off, and celebrating the joys of friendship, romance and the fate of fairy tale kingdoms, this new book delivers the completely delightful new story that fans have been waiting for.
Spoiler free even if you haven’t read the first book in this series.
Palace of Stone was more grown up in this second installment of the Princess Academy. Palace of Stone deals with more issues that usually involve adults like marriage and revolution. What made this revolution story unique was that it was started by a girl who could see both sides. Most of the revolution stories I’ve read have been about the little guys trying to overthrow those in power like Les Miserables and The Hunger Games. It was interesting to wonder how she was going to work this revolution out with one foot in each world.
I loved getting to see all of these wonderful characters again. Miri is very easy to relate to. I liked Peder, but I would have smacked him over the head if he had been in the same room as me at the end.
I loved learning more about the history of Mount Eskel. The world of the lowlands was fun to explore. It seemed colorful and a little magical and it reminded me of the world from the Disney movie, Tangled.
I liked how the magic was expanded on in this book. It answered a few questions I had about the importance of linder, the stone that is quarried on Mount Eskel, and if there was more to it. There is and it was fun to discover!
Princess Academy could easily stand on it’s own, yet you can see how the happy ending from the first book might not work out and last. That made it even more fun to read this sequel.
Overall, it was a unique view on revolution that expands on the magic and the world that kids and adults would love.
Content Rating: Everyone. Clean read.
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I liked what you brought up about seeing the two sides of the revolution. I did really like that aspect of this story. I talked a little about Miri being pulled in different ways. She kind of represents the different sides of the revolution. She has her soon-to-be princess friend, her aristocratic friends, and then her hometown or (what the capitol probably calls them) peasant friends. I also really liked how the magic was explained more. Great review!
You had me at ‘Tangled.’ :) It sounds like I’d like this one even more than the first. I need to re-read Princess Academy because when I first read it I didn’t LOVE it just liked it. It’s been a few years and my taste in books has changed some so maybe I’ll like it more.
I loved Austenland so I can’t wait to try this series! ~Sheri
I loved this one more than the first, and I loved the first. I thought this book was so beautiful and powerful is a very simple way.
I can’t wait to read this book! I really loved the first one and want to find out about all the characters and what happened to them!