I have been waiting and waiting for The Death Cure by James Dashner to come out (I even wrote up some theories on what I think is going to happen in the book). So I was super excited to find out that the first stop on James Dashner’s tour would be in Salt Lake City. My husband had a conference in Salt Lake, so I picked him up at 5 and dragged him to the book signing two hours early. Since we had time to kill, we decided to go out for dinner and I stopped short when I saw, sitting not two feet away from me on a restaurant patio, James Dashner talking to some guy (I found out later it was his agent). I gave him a dorky wave and smile. He was nice and waved back. Then I whispered to my husband, “That’s James Dashner in the blue shirt – don’t stare.” We decided to eat at that same restaurant on the patio because they served Middle Eastern food and it sounded good. There were only two tables left on the patio – one right next to James Dashner and one right next to the door. I made us sit by the door lest James think I’m a stalker or something and my bewildered husband agreed to sit at the worst table on the patio.
I bought my book at The King’s English and met my friends, Amber and Alyssa, at the gallery where the presentation was going to be. Amber got her book at Barnes and Noble and it had exclusive material at the end. WHAT. Jealous. I got the ebook and I was excited that it came with the cover art this time. The room was pretty packed and chairs filled up quickly. I was delighted that there were lots of kids there (though I’m glad I didn’t bring mine – there were lots of breakable things. It was an art gallery).
James Dashner talked about the philosophical questions that the books raised about good verses evil and how it’s not always black and white. The phrase from the books, “WICKED is good” became very symbolic through the series. He did a short reading and joked that he was going to read the last page and lamented that “And Thomas died” was such a good last line. Then he took questions from the audience. Here are my favorites (I’m paraphrasing from my notes – these are not direct quotes):
- What inspired you to write? I have loved books my whole life, especially Ender’s Game and Lord of the Flies in high school. There are a lot of elements from those books in The Maze Runner trilogy.
- Who is your favorite character? Minho because he is loyal.
- Is WICKED really good? I hope you think about that question for a long time after you finish reading the last one.
- How did you come up with the Grievers? I wanted something terrifying that wasn’t already being used like werewolves, vampires etc. I also wanted something part animal and part machine with no face so it would be a mindless killing machine. Then I added blubber and saws and stuff.
When Amber, Alyssa and I got to the front of the line to get our books signed, we talked about how we had met him before and he said, “I remember you, Amber.” She about klunked her pants. He had looked at the post-it note with her name on it :). I told him that he had told us where he lived last time (because I live about 10 minutes from where he lives apparently) and I hadn’t really listened. I just laughed and then thought, “Wait, did he really just give me directions to his house?”
Alyssa hadn’t read the books yet, and she got the whole trilogy signed. So cool. Amber was getting The Death Cure signed to complete her set and I was getting mine signed to give away on my blog. James asked what my blog was and he said that it sounded familiar. SQUEEL!! James Dashner reads my blog!!!! Okay, that’s not exactly what he said. But it made my day anyway.
I like to ask authors questions when I go to signings and I asked him, “Why did you pick the symptoms that you did for The Flare?” He said that the idea of insanity is so creepy. The disease is not really meant to be zombie-like. If they have sores and stuff it’s from their insanity. I found that so interesing. I always thought the flare was leprosy and insanity. In fact, I can see the theme of insanity more and more in the books as I’m re-reading them – a padded white room, an unsolvable maze, voices in your head…..
Amber couldn’t believe I was giving my signed book away. My favorite part about author signings is meeting the authors and not hoarding books. I have the ebook, plus I won an ARC from Random Buzzers. Why do I need a third copy of the same book?? Where in the world would I put more books in my house? I was going to have him sign my Kindle, but I totally forgot. I’m more mad about being a total flake then not getting it signed. Oh well. Maybe I can remember those directions to his house…
So the moment you have all been waiting for.
Please read the following carefully for entering the giveaway. I’m using Rafflecopter for this giveaway.
- Your name can be seen by everyone when you enter. Don’t put your full name – your first name is plenty.
- There are four options to enter the giveaway – you don’t have to do them all, but you can if you want :).
- Following my blog is never a requirement for giveaways. You can enter the giveaway by leaving a comment on this post and filling out the rafflecopter entry.
- Giveaway is for US/Canada only. I’m mailing this book out at my own expense and I can’t afford to ship it far away. I’m sorry.
- The winner will have 48 hours to respond with their full name and mailing address or a new winner will be chosen.
- Must be over 13 to enter.
And the winner is….Jennelle S. (Entry #15)
(I’ve deleted the Rafflecopter widget for privacy reasons)
Thanks for a chance at a great giveaway :)
That is so cool that you got to meet James Dashner! I totally think of authors as celebrities. I definitely wouldn’t even know what to say.
Clean Teen Fiction
I totally thought I wouldn’t know what to say either. But author’s are different from other celebrities. They don’t usually get recognized on the street or anything. And I feel like I know them because I’ve read something they’ve written. If I met, say, Robert Pattinson, I would be a blubbering idiot. But there is so much to talk about with authors! It’s so fun to meet them.
I have no theories about what’s hyping to happen in The Death Cure. Scorch trials totally blew up my idea of what I thought was going to happen. I can’t wait to read this book but I’m not supposed to be buying bookscright now according to my husband so hopefully I can win it :)
I hope you win too :) I know how it is not being able to buy books. What happened in Scorch Trials that ruined your idea?
Awesome! Love this series so much! Thanks for the giveaway! :)
Thanks for entering!
I have no theories! I’m terrible at guessing before hand – but now while reading it I think I’m usually pretty good at picking up the clues during.
If I saw one of my favorite authors out in public, I would want to see what they were doing but I would feel all stalkery so I would just stare at them from a discrete distance totally geeking out. I have no idea what’s going to happen but I’m hoping to find out. Thanks for the chance to win.
Aw, this made me smile :) I’m glad I’m not the only one who would geek out when they accidentally saw their favorite author in public.
Hey, I left some blog love for you over on my running blog. :)
I saw it! Thanks for the award. It’s super cute and it’s going in my sidebar :)
I don’t really have any theories. I’m too afraid to think about it. I will be so sad if anyone else dies!
I was totally jealous that you were at this event, it sounds like it was so fun!
I still didn’t read THE SCORCH TRIALS, but I’m sure nothing I expect will happen in THE DEATH CURE!
Thanks for the contest
I am terrible at coming up with theories…wen i read i am normally surprised with everything!! oh ya and i forgot to add my twitter name that i follow with @TessMWatson
I have no theories at all. They’ve all just completely blown my mind!
Not sure. I’ve only read the first book so far and really liked it.
Gosh, I don’t know about theories.. I’m just dying to find out what happens!
Kelsey d
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I can’t give you series since I only read The Maze Runner. I have The Scorch Trials in my possession, but I haven’t started yet! I can’t wait though!
I’m thinking that there will be some new monsters to face!
I’m sad to say I’ll be missing James when he comes to Illinois because I have class that night. So sad about that. I met him when he came for The Maze Runner and we had a great time!
Oooo! That’s a good theory! I hope there are new monsters, too. I agree, James Dashner is so fun to meet.
I am so excited to read this – LOVED the first two books in the series.
Everybody dies lets just hope I suck at guessing! lol
LOL that was one of my theories, too :)
I don’t have any theories on this one. I’m pretty bad at predicting what is to come.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the event on my blog. Thanks so much for checking it out and keeping up with it! It really means a lot to me!
♥ Aliya
I don’t want to leave any theories because I don’t want to ruin it for anyone else, and I most likely won’t read others comments for the same reason. My son already read it and it made him so mad in some parts he actually walked away from the book, but he seemed very happy at the end. That’s all I need to know.
I just finished it. None of it made me mad, but I am curious as to what made your son mad. Very interesting. Hope you enjoy it!
I think I have absolutely no theories coming into this book. The first 2 totally threw me so I am excited to find out where ths last one will go! :)
So so can’t wait to read this! Have you finished it? IS WICKED good? What happens with Thomas & Theresa? No…don’t tell me. But do! But don’t…
WICKED is bad…or good…or bad…or good. :) I have finished it and “epic” is the best word to describe it. I loved it and read it in one sitting.
I only read the first book, just recently and my mind is full of theories but I want to read the second book first, before elaborating on them.
From what read from the summary and from watching the trailer, the third book is probably going to be my favorite. Eh, I am dying to know what happens. My bookstore ran out of The Scorch Trials, so I have to wait.
Thanks for the giveaway!
How exciting that you got to meet & speak with James Dasher! Thank you for offering your signed copy of The Death Cure for the giveaway.
whoops – embarrassing typo – I meant to type Dashner
I don’t have any theories. I try not to anticipate what comes next – I just go with the flow of a book. Usually there are twists, turns, and surprises in store. All I can say is that I loved The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials by James Dashner and I really want to read The Death Cure. Thank you for the chance.
I want to win! I saw that you read and enjoyed this book, and now I am curious and jealous.
I never know what to expect from this series. I think the ending will have a happy ending and Thomas ends up leading the survivors.
That’s a great idea! I’d never considered Thomas being a leader before. I guess he is in a quiet way. Thanks for your theory!
I have NO IDEA. Well, a few. But the twists are so amazing that I probably won’t guess anything right. So, I think that the entire world is a simulation, they’re just preparing for the apocalypse, so they want to see how to best prepare.
WOW. That’s such a creative theory. My mind is blown.
Thank you so very, very much for such an amazing giveaway – I’ve been eager to read The Death Cure ever since I finished The Scorch Trials lol
I have really enjoyed both The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials (I would be hard pressed to say which I liked more)and one of the main reasons why is because they are so unpredictable! Can’t wait to read The Death Cure and see who makes it and who doesn’t! Great review, thank you for the contest!
Thank you so much! I really love James Dashner–his books are AMAZING!! (hehe, I kinda made a pun)
Wow, it sounds like you had a great time at the reading! I wish I lived near a place where authors come.
What a great post!! I really enjoyed your view of the Grand Opening!! I would love to win this book especially from such an enthusiastic Reader!! :-)
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