I started this challenge for me. It’s a dream of mine to look at my bookshelf and say unequivocally and without exception, “I’ve read all those books.” And some of those books have been sitting on my shelf for a LONG time. Hence the name :) I would love it if you joined me for my challenge! To make it fun, I’m going to have mini-challenges throughout the year (with giveaways!) to keep you motivated to keep reading those books! There’s also a giveaway for everyone who enters this challenge. (See below)
Here are the steps for this challenge:
1. Write a blog post with a list of all those books that are literally or figuratively sitting on your shelf that you’ve been meaning to read for a while. OR You can join my NEW Goodreads group for this challenge! You can pick books that you bought and haven’t read or books that you’ve just been waiting to read for a long time. Feel free to use the badge I made at the top of this post.
2. Pick a level
~Pixie Dust – Read 0-5 books
~Dust Bunny – Read 5-10 books
~Cobwebs – Read 10-15 books
~Grungy – Read 20+ books
EXTRA CREDIT-Say how long that book has been sitting on your shelf!
3. Link your blog post where you are doing the challenge at the bottom of this post (with the blue button) and then enter the giveaway!
- You must sign up for my reading challenge to enter this giveaway.
- Win a book of your choice from either Amazon or The Book Depository up to $15.
- Giveaway is International as long as The Book Depository ships to you. Check here.
- Must be 13 years or older to enter.
- The only mandatory entry is leaving your name, email, and your blog link where you are posting the challenge. All other entries are optional.
- Giveaway ends on January 31, 2012
- Winner must email me their mailing address within 48 hours or a new winner will be chosen.
I am up for the challenge! Good thing I have an entire year. Let’s see if I can get some of these books off my virtual to-read list.
Count me in! This is just the challenge for me. I’m going to bookmark this page now and then further down the line, I’ll make an announcement post including all of my 2012 challenges.
I totally understand :) That’s what I’m doing! Once a week in December I’m going to post my reading challenge posts. Thanks for signing up!
What book has been sitting on your shelf the longest? Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry. I believe I added it to my TBR back in October(possible November) 2009..
Oh, gosh, I’ve had Paradise Lost on my shelf since 2003….I can’t think of any older than that :)
Ok, you’ve convinced me. I need to wipe off my shelves, though I’m not sure I could even say how long some of those books have been sitting there…
Just found this blog today and I have to say I love this idea, count me in! I have so many books yet to read… the one sitting on my shelf the longest would be Ishmael, which a friend gave me probably 5 years ago.
Thanks for joining! I’ve never head or Ishmael, but it sounds long :)
I love this idea! I’ve had so many books sitting on my bookshelf, but I don’t stop buying new ones. This will be a great way to clear up all that dust :)
I don’t stop buying new ones, either! Thanks for joining my challenge. I’m glad you like it :)
The book sitting on my bookshelf the longest would probably be A Farewell to Arms
This looks really interesting and I already have it on my resolutions list to read all the books I already have that are just sitting there so might as well :) YAY!
I am excited to participate in this challenge! I have well over 150 books on my bookshelves that I have yet to read! Would love to make a dent in them this year!
Sitting on my shelf the longest without being read? Hmm, The Book Thief probably. I hope to get to it next year!
I loved the Book Thief!! You won’t be sorry that you read it.
I have been looking for a challenge and this one is perfect. I am going to join this one for sure. I have to get my personal blog together and then I am soo there. Thanks for the great challenge!
Thanks for joining!
The book that’s been sitting on my shelf the longest is Dangerous Angels. It’s the anthology of all the Weetzie Bat books by Francesca Lia Block. It’s been sitting there for like 5 years, only half read!
I haven’t heard of those books, but “anthology” makes them sound long :)
The book that’s been on my shelf the longest is Into the Wild by Erin Hunter. It’s been there for four years and counting. :P
Thanks for arranging such a great giveaway. The book that’s been sitting on my self the longest is His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. It’s been there about four years by now I think.
Wow I can’t believe His Dark Materials has been out that long! It seems like all the controversy was just yesterday. :D
Thanks for sorting this – what a good idea! The book that’s been on my shelf longest so far is probably Vanity Fair. A good five or six years now! Oops…
Aw, thanks :) I’ve read Vanity Fair and it’s pretty good. I have so many books that have been on my shelf for at least five years LOL
Oh, man! I have books on my shelves that have sat there for 22 years!! You know how it is…good intentions and all. I just ended up buying more books and always found others that I wanted to read first and, before you know it, you have bookcases of books that haven’t been read!! I have at least 4 bookcases (cases, not shelves) of unread books. I think I should join :)
22 years!? I think you win the Dustiest Book award (it’s not real, but you can have it :) I know what you mean about good intentions. I bought Origin of Species thinking that I SHOULD read it until I realized it’s a textbook from the 1800s. And it reads like one. 30 pages in he was still talking about the same bird. I don’t even own 4 bookcases worth of books. I bow to you owner of many books. I hope you can get lots of them read this year!
Hi, Jessica! Ok, I’m all signed up for the challenge! As I mentioned in my challenge post, I even have boxes of (unread) books packed away because I don’t have the space to put them out.
I think The Chronicles of Narnia box-set is the dustiest book on my shelf. I have had them for 33 years, and I never finished the series! I read the first 2 books, started the 3rd, when I was 8 years old. That’s as far as I got! Now, my plan is to read the series with my 9 year-old daughter. Yes, I joined the 2012 Narnia Challenge!
Thanks for the Dustiest Book Award, LOL! It will feel good to finally read the Narnia series!
What a fun challenge, and a great excuse to back and read books from previous years. Thanks for the challenge.
XD Im really excited about this!
OMG. I so need this challenge!
I came across your challenge this week–it’s a great idea!!
Well thank you! I very much loved your post and the picture of your dusty book. It was freakin’ hilarious!
I was planning to give this one a skip, but I’m feeling really guilty about all of the books waiting to be read. I’ll put up the link tomorrow after I’ve written the post. :-)
It’s funny how those books can make you feel guilty. I know mine do. And I think they glare at me sometimes, too. :D
Wow it’s great to see some of my friends I sent over sign up! My oldest book (that I’m still going to read) is Eternal Smile by Gene Yang. It’s #1 on my Goodreads TBR list :D
Aw, thanks for sending people over. I read your post and it made me laugh.
Great Challenge. I’ve got so many to read that I am going to bite the bullet and I’m going to make this a year of challenges for me. Now is this a challenge just for this month or for the year?
It goes all year long and I will have mini-challenges and giveaways each month through the year to keep you motivated to read your books!
I am happy about this challenge. It’ going to help me clean off a shelf or two! The Moments, The Minutes, The Hour by Jill Scott has been on my shelf since 2005.
Excellent idea. Not only should it clear shelf space but it should save me money. I might spend less on books in 2012 right?
Ha ha I hope so! :D
The Lord of the Rings trilogy has definitely been on my shelf the longest, as it’s been in my house since I was born, hahah. x) Sounds like a fun challenge!
I hope you read it! It’s sooo good!
What a great idea! The Mists of Avalon has been sitting around on one of my 5, double stacked TBR shelves since….about 1982;-)
Thanks :) Mists of Avalon looks great and my oh my it HAS been on your shelf a long time LOL
The Harry potter books were the longest on my bookshelf. Thank you for the giveaway!
The book that has been sitting on my self the longest is The Book of Dead Days by Marcus Sedgewick. It’s been there for at least 5 years, probably more like 7.
I’ve posted and signed up. Thanks for hosting and my bookcases thank you too :)
I’ve had this book, Adam of the Road since before I can remember. I think the only reason I picked it up was because it has a cocker spaniel on the cover, and they were my favorite dog then. :P
Ha ha that’s such a funny reason to buy a book! I love it!
I couldn’t even begin to list which books have been sitting on my shelves the longest. I used to work for a book distributor for a few years as my first job and accumulated a ridiculous amount of books in the staff sales every month. Even after giving away boxes and boxes of books I still have hundreds left.
This will be a great challenge for me to finally have a reason to get through some of these!
Wow! Good luck with your challenge! I hope you get to read a lot of them :)
I love the giveaway idea! But oh geez, which has been on my bookshelf the longest? That’s a hard question… I would probably say ‘Black Beauty’ which is a book I received as a child but never quite got around to reading. So that’s probably sixteen or so years.
Would love to participate because I have loads of books that are simply gathering dust. I just wanted to know whether crossovers with other challenges are allowed.
What a great idea and a great excuse to read some of the books that have been sitting on my shelf for so long. Thanks.
This is a wonderful idea! I have so many books that qualify as dusty books that I’d like to read this year. In fact, getting caught up on my reading is the only New Year’s resolution that I made this year. Of course, it’s a bit like stringing beads without a knot at the end because I no sooner finish a book than I add a new one. I’m happy about that though. After all, if I ever truly ran out of books to read, I’d be very sad.
I would be sad, too! I tell myself that every time my TBR list gets really long… :)
The longest book on my bookshelf is American Psycho. I’ve been meaning to read it for close to a year now…
Im in no mood for love, im starting now, i hopw to finish it soon
Ouf, what a question! I’d have to go back to France to check my shelves there, I think. Of the books here with me in now, I think I’ve probably owned The Jungle Book the longest. I’m not even sure whether or not I’ve ever read it – it looks read but I have no memories of having read it myself!
LOL I have lots of books like that and I read them again just to be sure! Now I have goodreads and if my memory gets really bad I can just look whether I’ve read it or not. :D
The book that has been sitting on my shelves the longest is (to the best of my knowledge) Rebecca West’s A Train of Powder. I purchased it in August 1989.
I am so excited to get to all the books on my shelf. Thanks for hosting this challenge.
Question for you: I’m also doing Bookish’s TBR reading challenge, and I’m wondering if I’m allowed to use books for both challenges. Obviously, the dusty bookshelf books are the ones that have been sitting on my shelf for EONS, just waiting to be read, but these books are also on my GoodReads TBR list and have been for some time. Am I allowed to double up?
Sure! I don’t see why your books can’t count for two challenges. I do it all the time. See ebooks and debut author challenges :)
Yea, :) Thanks for the challenge :). Very excited to do it.
This is such a good challenge, I’ve had books for years on my shelf. It makes me cringe to think of how long they’ve been sitting there. Looking forward to doing this. :D
Thanks for joining! hope you get lots of books read :)
Hi Jessica, is there a post where we link our reviews? I finally read my first ‘dusty shelf’ book LOL
Congrats on finishing your first dusty book! I do link up posts every three months. The last one was in April. Expect the next link up for reviews to be posted on my blog in August. I have a giveaway with the review link ups and you get one entry for each book review. So all the books you read between now and August will count for that giveaway, including the one you just finished! Thanks for stopping by and feel free to ask if you have any more questions.
Hi Jessica, I was wondering if it’s possible to have my link updated? I just moved my book blog and it’s located at http://books.lollibean.net/2012-challenges/
Could you please change my name to Isa @ Chasing Quills? I’m number 44 on the list.
Thank you so much! :)
I updated your link for you and it looks like it’s working. :)