Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Bronte
Published: 1847
Genres: Adult Fiction, Classic, Romance
Format: eBook (507 pages)
Source: Purchased
moreOrphaned into the household of her Aunt Reed at Gateshead, subject to the cruel regime at Lowood charity school, Jane Eyre nonetheless emerges unbroken in spirit and integrity. With a heroine full of yearning, the dangerous secrets she encounters, and the choices she finally makes, Charlotte Bronte'...
The beginning is kind of boring to get through, but once you get into her adult life it was a great page turner and one of the best Gothic love stories I have ever read. In fact, someone pointed out to me that her childhood dragging on and on helps you suffer with her and gives you a lot of sympathy for the character (Thanks Miriam!). Oddly enough, when I read this a second time before I saw the movie, I found the beginning went a lot faster. So you’ll have to judge for yourself if you like the pace, but either way the beginning is worth it.
The movie adaption of Jane Eyre by Focus Features was very well done and I really liked it. They were especially faithful to the characters. A few of my favorite scenes got left out, but I liked the characters so much I forgave them. The Gothic themes in the novel were played up as well making it a little spicy.
Content Rating: None
This is one of my favorite classics. It’s a surprisingly easy read for how old the book is. Unlike a Jane Austen book, it doesn’t take you half the book to get used to the language and writing style. I have never seen a book capture two characters so perfectly suited for each other. I really liked the movie adaptation, but my favorite one is the most recent 2007 Masterpiece Theater version. It’s longer and add somethings, but it follows the book more closely.