The Great Typo Hunt
by Jeff Deck
Published: August 3, 2010
Genres: Humor, Memoir, Non-fiction
Format: Hardcover (269 pages)
Source: Library
moreThe signs of the times are missing apostrophes.
The world needed a hero, but how would an editor with no off-switch answer the call? For Jeff Deck, the writing was literally on the wall: “NO TRESSPASSING.” In that moment, his greater purpose became clear. Dark hordes of typos had descended upon ci...
The cover and title caught my attention at Borders and I had to read it. The book is pretty straight forward as far as the plot, but it was the writing style that made me love this book. It wasn’t all fluff and entertainment, either. He grew on the journey and made me laugh my head off along the way. Here’s some non-spoiler quotes from the book to give you a flavor:
“She described to us six lanes’ worth of unadulterated fear, populated exclusively by motorists whose driving education had been paid for by the blood of pedestrians.”
“The standard clauses of the American dream only included two weeks of vacation a year.”
Content Rating: Medium. I remember it being fairly clean, but there was some language (if I remember right:)
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