The Lightning Thief
by Rick Riordan
Series: Percy Jackson and The Olympians #1
Published: June 28, 2005
Genres: Fantasy, Middle Grade, Mythology
Format: Paperback (375 pages)
Source: Library
morePercy Jackson is about to be kicked out of boarding school... again. And that's the least of his troubles. Lately, mythological monsters and the gods of Mount Olympus seem to be walking straight out of the pages of Percy's Greek mythology textbook and into his life. And worse, he's angered a few of ...
It’s like Harry Potter meets Ancient Greece with a mix of Bruce Coville’s “My Teacher is an Alien.” It was entertaining, if not a little immature, but the part that was most touching to me was why Rick wrote these stories. His son loved Greek Mythology and when Rick ran out of stories, he made them up. He created Percy Jackson off the top of his head and Percy had ADHD and dyslexia like his son did at that time. The author was showing his son how someone became a hero with the same problems he had and, in an indirect way, that he was special.
He talks about this and other things more in his interview here.
Content Rating: Mild, for a few swear words and action.
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