The Woman I Was Born To Be
by Susan Boyle
Published: October 12, 2010
Genres: Memoir
Format: Hardcover (336 pages)
Source: Library
moreIn April 2009, a modest middle-aged woman from a village in Scotland was catapulted to global fame when the YouTube video of her audition for Britain’s Got Talent touched the hearts of millions all over the world. From singing karaoke in local pubs to a live performance with an eighty-piece orchestr...
It gets slow in the middle, but when you get to the part about her overnight fame and her incredibly honest reaction to it, it was very inspiring. If you’ve never heard her audition from Britain’s Got Talent, then look it up on YouTube before you read this book.
Content Rating: Mild, at the most there were a few swear words. She’s a very devout Catholic and keeps it clean.
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