Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse
by Kaleb Nation
Series: Bran Hambric #1
Published: September 9, 2009
Genres: Fantasy, Middle Grade
Format: Hardcover (430 pages)
Source: Library
moreIn a bustling metropolis where magic is outlawed, a six-year-old child is found inside a locked bank vault. A scrap of paper reveals his name: Bran Hambric. The child remembers nothing of his life before the vault. Only magic could have done this. But why would any mage risk breaking the law to plac...
This book has so many similarities to Harry Potter that it felt like poorly written rip off. As an adult, I found it too immature for my taste. Kaleb Nation wrote this book when he was a teenager and I could tell. Young boys would probably like this book better than I did. I decided to read this book after I found his blog Twilight Guy. His writing there is very funny. Hopefully his next stories will be more original.
Content Rating: Everyone (I read it a while ago and I can’t say for sure, but it’s a middle school book and fairly clean).
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