The Lost Hero
by Rick Riordan
Series: Heroes of Olympus #1
Published: October 12, 2010
Genres: Fantasy, Middle Grade, Mythology
Format: eBook (557 pages)
Source: Library
Jason has a problem. He doesn’t remember anything before waking up in a bus full of kids on a field trip. Apparently he has a girlfriend named Piper and a best friend named Leo. They’re all students at a boarding school for “bad kids.” What did Jason do to end up here? And where is here, exactly?
I loved the mixing of Roman and Greek mythology. Rick Riordan takes Percy Jackson up a notch. There’s more love stories going on and I liked the deep thoughts about the power of love. If you haven’t read the Percy Jackson series, this will definitely spoil the whole series for you. But to me, it didn’t seem like it was necessary for you to read the Percy Jackson series first if you don’t want to. It was funny with some action and love and great characters thrown in. He does a great job of reinterpreting mythology into modern day terms which makes it really fun to read.
Content Rating: Mild, for mild violence.
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