I didn’t get to participate in Book Blogger Appreciation Week like I wanted to because my car broke down three times in two weeks. Don’t worry, everything is back to normal now and life is a lot less hectic and stressful now that my car is fixed. (I had to get a new alternator, battery and ignition switch. I got stranded 3 times – I’m so not exaggerating. All of it cost me $800. Wait. That’s almost how much my car is worth. Now I’m stressed again.) But I did get to read some great posts from all different kinds of bloggers. The topics revolved a lot around community and fitting in. It made me think. Do I fit into the blogging community?
I came across some classics book blogs. I didn’t know there was such a thing. Should I become a classics only book blog? I’ve already become actively involved in the YA book blogging community. Should I just focus on YA books? Where do I fit in?
I also read a lot of posts about honesty and being true to yourself. I love both genres and I can’t read one without the other. If I read only classic literature, it would start to feel “heavy” and kind of dry. But on the other hand, if I only read YA it would feel too “light” and insubstantial to me. I love the entertainment that YA brings and I love the challenge of a nice, long classic piece. They balance each other perfectly. I usually alternate between reading a classic and a YA novel. Except recently. I’ve read three YA novels in a row and Oliver Twist is waiting impatiently on my shelf.
So, maybe I’m a little crazy trying to have one foot in each community. I can’t help it. It’s who I am. What would it say if I changed myself just to fit in perfectly? Thinking about this got this lovely song stuck in my head and that’s where the title of my post came from.
So, do you fit in perfectly to your blogging community, whatever it may be? Or do you want to join me on the Island of Misfit Bloggers?
*joins your island* I feel very split between the adult speculative fiction community and the YA sci-fi/fantasy community since they are pretty different. I worry that I’m not making either section of my readers happy D:
I don’t read any classic books, but I do dip into all other genres. I think people see my blog as YA as that is what the majority of my reviews are for, but there are other non YA reviews floating around in it……and more would come once I eventually beat my review pile.
Is there space on the Island of Misfit Bloggers for one more? :)
Of course ;)