by Kiersten White
Series: Paranormalcy #2
Published: July 26, 2011
Genres: Humor, Paranormal Romance, Young Adult
Format: eBook (336 pages)
Source: Purchased
moreAs one disastrous mission leads to another, Evie starts to wonder if she made the right choice. And when Evie’s faerie ex-boyfriend Reth appears with devastating revelations about her past, she discovers that there’s a battle brewing between the faerie courts that could throw the whole supernatural ...
Spoiler free, even if you haven’t read Paranormalcy #1.
Supernaturally is deeper and darker than Paranormalcy. It’s a little more serious and dramatic and wasn’t as lighthearted as the first one. It has great action and it kept me guessing through the whole thing. Definitely a page-turner for me. It also answers a lot of questions from the first one while not spelling everything out for you and leaving enough story for book three. The story isn’t finished, but I didn’t feel like I was going to fall of some cliff-hanger at the end. My favorite part was one of the characters talking about their ugly school colors of yellow and brown and I FLIPPED. OMG they went to my high school, Davis, because that’s their colors and Kiersten is from Utah! HAHA it made my day because they ARE ugly school colors. Sadly, I asked Kiersten White in a Q&A session on her blog if the colors were based on Davis and she said no. (But in my little world they totally are. Go Davis!) She’s such a good writer that even the acknowledgments were funny (I read all the acknowledgements in the books I read. I know I’m weird.)
Content Rating: Mild, there’s some kissing – nothing more ;)
I have to start this series!! Book 1 has been sitting on my shelf now for months collecting dust. Poor thing.
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