by Claudia Gray
Published: September 13, 2011
Genres: Historical Fiction, Paranormal Romance, Young Adult
Format: eBook (328 pages)
Source: Purchased
New York Times best-selling author Claudia Gray delivers adventure, dark paranormal suspense, alluring romance, and a truly surprise ending, set against the opulent backdrop of the Titanic's first — and last — voyage.
Fateful is like Titanic the movie meets Twilight. It was one of those ideas that was so unique but at the same time it was like, “Why hasn’t someone thought of this before?” A great action packed page-turner that was very entertaining. I kind of saw the ending coming, but it still surprised me enough that I liked it. The history was well done and very interesting. I’m becoming a big fan of historical fiction. Fateful had good romance and good characters, but the characters felt a little familiar, like I’ve read about a brooding supernatural before….
Content Rating: Medium, for some violence, some language, and several suggestive scenes.
I really really really loved this book! I just finished it and wrote my review, and I’m absolutely in love with it!
It’s so true! The whole time I was reading the book, I kept thinking, “And then the boat sinks. And….then it sinks. Then…it sinks. When is it going to sink?” She was awesome at blending the history and paranormal.
I read some awesome extras at You should read them! There was even an author interview.