The Death Cure
by James Dashner
Published: October 11, 2011
Genres: Dystopian, Post Apocalyptic, Young Adult
Format: eBook (325 pages)
Source: Purchased
moreThomas knows that Wicked can't be trusted, but they say the time for lies is over, that they've collected all they can from the Trials and now must rely on the Gladers, with full memories restored, to help them with their ultimate mission. It's up to the Gladers to complete the blueprint for the cur...
Spoiler free, even if you haven’t read the first two books.
The Death Cure is quite the emotional roller coster. It was completely unpredictable and surprising, which I love. So gripping and heart-pounding that I finished it in almost one sitting. One of the most intense books that I’ve ever read. It took me on so many twists and turns. Definitely the most violent book of the trilogy. What an epic conclusion. I can’t stop thinking about it. The ending was satisfying and felt like it was the way it was meant to be. It was so heart-wrenching and sad and even terrifying in some places. I didn’t cry, but I wanted to – I think I was just too horrified. Despite that, I found myself laugh out loud a few times. How he manages to be so funny with so much drama going on is beyond me. The whole story reminds me of Gandalf saying, “And he that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.“ So many things to think about. Is science really wisdom?
Content Rating: Medium, for violence that was somewhat gory and disturbing in places.
so need 2 read this