Flashback Friday is where I post some writing of my life as a younger me. I have a special Halloween Edition this week of all my Halloween costumes through the years. Hope you enjoy!
I’m 2 1/2 years old in my first Halloween costume as an adorable witch. I love the green paint splotches on my face. And did I go trick-or-treating with an Easter basket?
There isn’t another picture of my Halloween costumes until I’m six years old. This year, my sister got to be the splotchy green-faced witch and I got to be a pumpkin. My mom made our costumes.
You guys, I was convinced that all my Halloween costumes growing up were horrible, but look how cute I am as a clown!! My sister, Andrea, makes an adorable Princess. My talented mom made both of these costumes as well.
I think this is where my costumes start to got downhill. I remember every year panicking at the last minute to get a costume together. I mean, I’m cute as an Indian but why those shoes? And the weird sweater? My costume seems to be made of two bandanas and a feather. Andrea is the cute Princess again and my youngest sister, Kristen, is the pumpkin. The other girl is my neighbor, Nicole.
My sister has the cutest blond curls ever. And look what an adorable cow she makes! I think this is one of the only years that I had a store-bought costume. My, what lots of red lipstick you have, Snow White.
Hmm, this Indian costume looks familiar, but it’s been upgraded with a vest. I like the face paint. Kristen, the Princess.
When I was 12, I dressed up as Princess Leia (I don’t have a picture of it). It was 2 days before Halloween and we were desperately trying to get a decent Princess Leia costume together. We watched The Empire Strikes Back and decided to copy how Leia looks on the planet Hoth by braiding my hair and pinning it to the back of my head while I wore all white, including a heavy, white jacket.
Everyone thought I was a skiier.
But I’ll tell you what, I was warm that year with my winter coat on. I could have gone trick-or-treating ALL NIGHT while my friends’ toes were falling off. Take that.
My last Halloween costume was when I was 14 and on the verge of being too old to trick-or-treat. I’m the phantom with no face. The question I got asked the most was if I was a boy or a girl. Andrea has an awesome costume of Wednesday from the Addams’ Family and Kristen is a cute witch. Does that hat look familiar??
So there you have it. Every picture of every Halloween costume I ever had. Looking back, I remember a general feeling of panic every year at Halloween trying to decide what to be at the last minute and then scrambling to get a costume ready in time. I think that even if we had gone to the store when I finally decided what I wanted to be, there wouldn’t have been anything left. My mom was worried that they were just cheap. Maybe that’s true, but I blame me and my procrastination for all my bad Halloween costumes.
I’m feeling this strange need to go out and buy a real Princess Leia costume and heal some emotional scars :) Too bad I don’t have long hair anymore. And this is me vowing that I will not wait until the last minute to buy costumes for my kids! (well, starting next year. I haven’t gotten their costumes yet this year. PANIC.). I want just once in my life to have a kick-butt costume that leaves everyone jealous and in awe that I have carefully planned out. Nothing can stand in my way! Not even procrastination!!
What have been some of your costumes through the years?
Happy Halloween!
This was a fun post! I was laughing while I read it. I liked seeing some of my old costumes too. I thought it was funny that I wore the exact same costume two years in a row. I know I wore your Indian costume and clown costume too. So, what did you end up getting your kids this year? Can’t wait to see what you are for your kick butt costume year. Also, that faceless goth type costume was pretty funny. You’re like, “Here I am as a cute 7 year old clown, and here I am as a faceless 13 year old phantom.” It made me laugh.
happy vampire party everyone