Crossed by Ally Condie was released yesterday. In case you didn’t know, it’s the sequel to Matched and it’s very awesome. Ally did a signing at The King’s English bookstore in SLC and I had to go! Yay for another launch party!
Ally recapped some of what I heard at the library signing in August about the book being inspired a lot by the landscape of Southern Utah. Matched was very much Cassia’s book and Crossed is Ky’s book. She joked about the new character Vic being based on her brother-in-law and how her brother-in-law “killed a lot of stuff and then ate it.”
Matched was mainly about poetry and Crossed was more about painting. At first, she didn’t know how she was going to pull it off since the Society had taken away all the things you would need to paint. She was inspired by her mom who paints with pastels. Ally asked her mom why she didn’t use something that lasted longer and her mom replied that she just wanted it to be beautiful while it lasted. It’s the act of creation that changes us.
Random thought: the hardcover has a pretty map and my ARC doesn’t. I’m oddly jealous even though I got to read it two months early.
Here’s the questions I liked for the Q&A part of the night. I’m paraphrasing Ally from my notes and they are NOT direct quotes from her. Just so you know :)
- What was the inspiration for the pictures on the covers? The photographer for the cover is also the model and she added the bubble in later. Also, something is “off” about the title in each of the books. The “A” in Matched is missing a line and the “R” in Crossed is backwards.
- Did you read a lot growing up? I read a lot mostly because of my dad who would have reading parties where we would get a favorite treat and buy a new book. (She waved this off casually like it was normal. My mind was blown. I want to have reading parties. That sounds like the funnest thing ever.)
- What is your favorite National Park? Zions.
- Have you read The Hunger Games? Yes. I loved them. They didn’t influence Matched and Crossed much. 1984 was more of an influence in my writing. But we did tweak the color of the dress that Cassia wears in Matched to be green instead of blue so it wouldn’t be the same as Katniss.
Ally was so nice and she was really funny. If you haven’t read her books yet, what are you waiting for? You can read my reviews of Matched and Crossed and then start reading them yourself!
I told Ally that my husband, Justin, was reading Matched because I told him the whole world was like databases to the extreme and my husband is a Database Engineer. She looked up in horror and apologized if he had found anything wrong (he hasn’t). Justin said that Cassia’s job is like a data analyst and I asked if she had done research on databases and stuff for her book. She said her husband helped her with the data entry part of databases and for Cassia’s job.
I’m giving away a SIGNED hardcover copy of Crossed by Ally Condie.
Please read the following carefully for entering the giveaway. I’m using Rafflecopter for this giveaway.
- Your name can be seen by everyone when you enter. Don’t put your full name – your first name is plenty.
- There are four options to enter the giveaway – you don’t have to do them all, but you can if you want :)
- Following my blog is never a requirement for giveaways, but it is appreciated. You can enter the giveaway by leaving a comment on this post and filling out the Rafflecopter entry. Don’t leave your email address in the comments. It’s not necessary. Thanks :)
- Giveaway is for US/Canada only. I’m mailing this book out at my own expense and I can’t afford to ship it far away. I’m sorry.
- The winner will have 48 hours to respond with their full name and mailing address or a new winner will be chosen.
- Must be over 13 to enter.
Giveaway ended December 2011
What I love about Matched is the love triangle. Usually I am sure who I am rooting for but I feel so conflicted in this one. Maybe Crossed will help sway me in one direction or another.
I do not get to go to book signings since there really aren’t any around where I live. I would totally go if it was possible though! :)
I agree. This is one of the few love triangles that I actually enjoy reading because it’s not obvious who she should pick!
I loved Matched, and I’m waiting for Crossed to come in the mail. Yea! I’d love another copy so I can have a giveaway or Christmas gift.
When I used to live in NYC, I went to a lot of book signings! I went to see Cassandra Clare so many times that she would recognize me! :P
I’m jealous you got to meet Cassandra Clare! I would love to meet her. I’ve met Ally Condie like three times now. ha ha.
I absolutely love book signings. I think it’s amazing to have the opportunity to tell an author whose books you truly enjoyed how much they mean to you. Sometimes if a book really affected you (Delirium or Harry Potter), it’s even more than an opportunity. It’s like you’ve been given a chance to properly thank someone. I’d basically do anything to have my Harry Potter books signed because of how much they’ve gotten me through, and it would be an honor to tell JK Rowling how I feel. If a book affects you that much, a book signing is a gift, and that’s why I always try to go to them, if any come near me.
As for Matched, I love the idea of dystopians focusing on love. It’s interesting for me because they remind me some nonwestern cultures – arranged marriages, not as open with love and feelings, stuff that happens in our world and is perfectly acceptable in their societies but in these dystopians, their horrific sides are captures. IF that makes any sense. I also felt intrigued by the social aspects of Matched, and I love Ky and am interested to discover more about him. I can’t wait to read Crossed because there’s so much more we don’t know from Matched and I am anxious to figure out what it is that was hinted at but not actually introduced. It also helps that the series is well written and even though I”m not a fan of love triangles, I think this one is handled realistically, and I love all parties involved, so it’s more than interesting for me.
Thanks so much for this giveaway!
I would give anything to meet JK Rowling, too! And Stephenie Meyer. My friend, Amber, met Stephenie Meyer and I can’t get over it.
That’s so interesting about comparing Matched to non-western cultures. I never thought about it that way. Hmm…I will have to think on this some more :)
The love triangle is so good that I haven’t picked a team yet and there’s only one more book!
You guys are really lucky to live in areas close enough to attend book signings!! I’m stuck in BFE here lol
LOL. Where is BFE? It seems strange sometimes that so many authors live in Utah. Who would have thought it would be an author hot spot? I feel really lucky with every signing I go to. :)
I’ve had an ARC on my bookshelf for months and I just haven’t been able to find time to read it between everything else. I really loved Ally’s world building and the concept of the Society. I’m very eager to learn more about Ky in Crossed.
I’ve been to two book signings: Gail Carson Levine and Brian Jacques, who is no longer with us.
Thanks a bunch for the giveaway!
I can’t wait to read Crossed. Thanks for the giveaway!
I don’t go to book signings but I loved Matched! I loved the whole story and when it was over I didn’t want it to end. Now Crossed is out and I can’t wait to get it but my husband put me on a book buying ban since the beginning of October :( I’m hoping to win it or I’ll have to wait until January to get it…
Aww, I hope you win too :)
I LOVE Matched SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! It’s completely amazing! I really want to read Crossed! Thanks for your generosity!
I so want to get to another event of Ally’s. She’s so fun to listen to – just love the way she talks/interacts.
She’s very sweet, humble and hilarious. She does excellent presentations.
I love the cover for Matched!
Me, too! So unique and pretty. My paperback is shiny. I love shiny things.
I would love to go to book signings, thought I’ve never been. Either they’re never in Sacramento, or I’m missing something.
Matched was so so good there’s so much to say i can’t even think of anything! I just finished Matched not too long ago and it was awesome!
Yay! That makes me all kinds of happy that you liked the book from my first giveaway ever!!
I have never been to a book signing before. They don’t have a lot of them around here. I liked Matched and I really like Ky even though I could find no faults with Xander.
I’ve never been to a book signing before :( Yeah, I know, sad, but hey I live in a small town. I haven’t read Matched yet, but if I win then I’ll have to to buy it because I always start from the first book :) Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow, you got to meet Cassandra Clare love her books! I have been to a few book signings where I got meet some cool authors and illustrators of children’s books. I love to hear authors read from their books. If you haven’t heard Neil Gaiman read then you should, he has a very pleasant voice. I have checked out Matched from my library but every time someone wants it and I don’t get a chance to read it.I’d rather read them both back to back together anyhow.:)
I’ve never been drawn to book signings, which is funny since I’m an author now. Ah, life is interesting. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve been to one book signing and really enjoyed it. When I tried to attend a second recently, it was really difficult managing it, and then the author got stuck in bad airline traffic and had to cancel very disappointed!
Hey, thanks for leaving such a thoughtful comment on my blog. I’ll add you on Pottermore just as soon as the site is back up (how annoying that it seems to be busy or broken so often…).
Matched is going to be my next read (I still can’t believe I haven’t read it yet!). I’m most definitely looking forward to it. I would also like to partake in a reading party!
Thank you so much for this contest:) I am really excited to read about what happens to Cassia and Ky next:)
I’ve never been to a book signing before
I’ve never been able to go to a book signing…not for lack of trying though! I find the dates and say I’m going but than something always falls through and I can’t.
I’ve been to two! :) Meg Cabot & the Smart Chicks Kick It tour, which had Rachel Caine, Melissa Marr, Kelley Armstrong, Cami Garcia, Simone Elkeles and Jennifer Lynn Barnes. They were both amazing, and the authors are so nice!
I must figure out how to get to this bookstore you talk of. It seems to have all the best authors! I want this books so badly, I think I might throw up.
Not really. But I do want it.
The book store in SLC that has all the awesome authors is The King’s English. It’s on 15th E and 15th S. Pretty easy to find. And it’s so cute!!
Thank you for the giveaway. I love going to book signings, and go as often as I can. Thankfully I have been able to go to quite a few in my area, though I haven’t been lucky enough to go to a signing with Ally yet.
OMG I want to read this!
i would love to go to book signings, but there are never any around that are close enough. :( thx for the great giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I loved Matched. I am just plain obsessed with all dystopian novels!!!!
I love everything about Matched. It was my favorite book that I’ve read this year. I can’t wait to read Crossed.
Oooh, i am so excited to read this one!!!
I would love to meet some of my favorite authors but there has not been any opportunities.
I havne’t read Matched yet, but I can’t wait to read it. My reading list is so long that it’s going to take forever. :D But I hope to read it soon!
Oh wow, thank you so much for this amazingly generous giveaway. I am so excited for Crossed and to add it to my library. I absolutely loved Matched, which is probably the un-popular opinion since everyone wasn’t so crazy about the non-action in it. But, that’s exactly what I loved about it, because I’ve heard that Crossed has some amazingly terrific action in it. :)
Suz @ A Soul Unsung
My WoW!
My Surprise Halloween Giveaway
I loved Matched. It was my favorite read of 2010. I absolutely adored Ally Condie’s writing and the love story between Cassia & Ky!
I love book signings, it’s great fun!
Thanks for the giveaway! I somehow always miss out on signings. Whether they just don’t come to me, or they back out. It sucks.
I’ve been to two signings: Lauren Kate’s for Passion and Christopher Paolini’s for Brisingr. My dad went to a signing for Cassandra Clare’s Clockwork Prince and Holly Black’s White Cat, and got them signed for me because I was away on holiday :P I love Matched! Totally cant wait to read Crossed :D
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
Whoa. You’ve been to some big names! I’m going to Paolini’s signing here in SLC but I haven’t read his books yet. Is that weird? :D
Thanks for the giveaway!
I don’t go to many book signings; most are at least an hour away. Beth Revis has come to the nearest bookstore at least twice, though, and I came to the first signing.
I haven’t read Matched yet, but my copy’s been sitting on the shelf for several months. I’m still trying to win Crossed, because I’m sure I’ll want to read the sequel as soon as I finish the first book!
Thanks for the giveaway! I’m always jealous of these awesome signings, authors never come close to me! I have started looking for them when I’m traveling though :)
Haven’t read the books yet but I heard its really good. I love going to book signings & meeting the author :D
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have always wanted to go to an author book signing. One day I’ll buck up and drive to a city that is lucky enough to have a signing. That always look so fun!
I wish I could go to more book signings! I live in Keller, Texas so a lot of authors go to Houston and Austin. Its pretty difficult to get to those cities for signings. *sigh*
I loved the cover for Matched. It was so shiny, and it made me want to pick the book up right away. :)
Can’t wait to read this thanks for the giveaway
I haven’t read this series yet, but I SO need to! I would love to go to book signings, but authors don’t come anywhere close to where I live! :)
My favorite book signing I attended was for Stephen King and Richard Russo. I got to interview them afterwards (it was by email since their time was limited, but still :)
I have never been to a book signing mainly because it’s not a major enough city that I live in.
No authors I like tend to do book signings anywhere near me :(
You guys are all making me sad that can’t go to signings :( I hope you get to live vicariously through other people’s blog posts about them!
I loved Matched! And I want to read Crossed so badly!!! Cassia (God, I love that name) and Ky (love that too…). And Xander (Ally Condie has a gift for names) better get a good ending!
Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway! I would love to read this
Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve been looking forward to reading Crossed ever since I finished Matched! And how cool that you got to meet Ally!
I really enjoyed the conflict and tension in Matched. The ending was gripping! Thanks for the giveaway. <3
That is so cool that your husband is reading it with ya! Mine has read a whole lot of the ones I read and he still does….when he has time LOL
I LOVE book signings:)
I love the tension in Matched.
I was just in Savannah, GA last week with the Paranormal Plume Society and they did a book signing there and we did a lot of other fun stuff! I just got Matched so I just started reading it :D
I DO love book signings! I’ve got one on Monday actually that I’m super excited about! :)
I just really love Cassia in Matched, her character. I love the triangle… it’s heartbreaking esp. because both guys are amazing. And I love the world. It’s just an all around good book :)
Thank you so much for this giveaway! :)
I dont get many book signings out my way which is odd because I live in a popular city in the US. But I do love going to signings when I can. Sherrilyn Kenyon is awesome. Had the pleasure to meet her once. :) Thanks for the giveaway.
I love Matched because of the imaginary world created by Ally Condie is amazing.
I wish there were more book signings in my area. A couple weeks ago I stood in line for about 6 hours at a Nicholas Sparks signing and I loved it. I met so many awesome people, not to mention the author himself! It was a lot of fun! And I loved having a signed book to give away on my blog.
OMG! you are so lucky to have met Ms. Ally! She seems so nice :D thanks so much for hosting this giveaway! very kind of you! please count me in :)
Book signings don’t come out my way very often, but when they do I usually try to attend if I’m interested. :D
Thanks for the giveaway! I’m getting ready to begin reading Matched now. I would love to win this!
(Let’s try this again. There was a hiccup when I posted here last.) I never get to go to book signings, as I never see any announced here in my area. But I have done some signings at the book festival I did earlier this year. Looking forward to the next one!
I loved Matched because it was a different type of dystopia. I can’t imagine a world where you have no choice in anything at all and everything is decided for you. It is an interesting concept.
I really enjoyed reading Matched and I’m looking forward to Crossed as well, looks great!
Well i would love to go to book signings because there awesome but there’s none really around here so no i dont get to go to a lot of them.
Haven’t read Matched yet, but really want to! Thanks for the giveaway!
YAY! I’m so excited to read this — I just LOVED Matched, and I’m sure Crossed will be just as amazing! Thanks so much for the giveaway! :)
I never get to go to any signings but love to read can’t wait to read this book! Thank you for the great giveaway!
I loved the love triangle in Matched – can’t wait!
gisellafiorelli9 at gmail dot com
LOVED Matched, so looking forward to Crossed!
I love this series and am so excited you got to meet Ally!
I would love to go to a book signing but no o he is ne comes here so sometimes I indulge in buying a signed copy for myself. I loved reading Matched so Mich I read it again. Its dystopian which I love to read and I so love Ky he is so mysterious I can’t wait to get in his head in Crossed. Cassia was also a great character she was pretty tough and fought for what she wanted I like that.
LOVE Matched, totally can’t wait to read Crossed! I’ve only been to two book signings: Christopher Paolini’s for Brisingr and Lauren Kate’s for Passion. Both were amazing!
I totally go to book signings!
I have never been to a book signing :'( I wish every time I find out about one it;s too far away to get to or get the time off… I just bought Matched and look forward to reading it!! Thank you for the giveaway!!!
I would love to go to book signings, but there usually held far away from my smallish city.
I love this giveaway, been wanting to read this book for a while!
I can’t wait to get my hands on crossed!!
thanks for this :D
I loved matched!!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway
I’ve only been to one book signing, and that was for Rick Riordan. :) It was only because I happened to be in the area; I don’t usually keep track of author events.
Matched was pretty good!
I haven’t read Matched yet but I want to! And of course I love book signings! :)
Wow please excuse my horrible typing I just noticed all that. What I tried to say was no one comes to where I live so I can’t get a signed book in person so I buy a book that’s signed once in a while. I also said I loved Matched so much I read it again.
thx for the giveaway!! I’d LOVE to win this!!!!! my blog is at although the website link keeps kicking me out
Thanks for the giveaway! Sadly I have never been to a book signing, but Alice from Twilight signed one of my books.
I’ve never been to a book signing I so need to go to one.
I would go to more book signings but I live in a small rural city and we rarely have signings.
I have never been to a book signing – but I really want to!!
I’ve just discovered Matched/Crossed and heard lots of good things about both of them!
I have never gone to a book signing, but I want to badly!
I like that Matched was one of my first dystopians (besides Uglies!) and was my first book review ever! I also love the story and that it’s so well put together.
I loved Matched! Cassia is such a strong character, despite having to follow others rules her entire life, she manages to decide and convince others what she needs to do for love. I have Matched on my Kindle and I haven’t read Crossed yet, so this is an awesome contest. I wasn’t able to go when Ally came to St. Louis for a signing last month, so I would love to have these copies. Thanks :)
Matched was a great read. I am really looking forward to Crossed. Thanks for the great giveaway!
What a great giveaway! Thank u for hosting this :)
BIG Thank you to everyone who entered. You’ve all made this my biggest giveaway yet! It was so fun!!