New Moon
by Stephenie Meyer
Published: August 21, 2006
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Young Adult
Format: Paperback (594 pages)
Source: Purchased
moreFor Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella ever could have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all ...
This book drags. Don’t get me wrong – I can relate a lot to Bella in this book. Oddly enough, my first break-up felt the same way. Her bitterness especially about how love gives someone the power to break you really gets to me. However, there isn’t much plot and even the conversations seem to take forever. Just spit it out already! And I don’t like Jake. I know. Shoot me now. Jake is nice and he is the kind of guy I would have been friends with in high school, but I don’t find him attractive. The whole book makes me feel anxious. And sad. And depressed. If the pace were faster I think I would like this book a lot more. The reason that I DO love this book is that it makes you feel. Every time I read it, I just feel such gut-wrenching sadness. I know Bella is over-dramatic sometimes, but at the same time who hasn’t felt the same way as she has? It’s hard to judge her if you’ve ever had your heart broken. Even though you know it’s not realistic, you feel like your world has fallen apart and you’ll never be the same again. Despite the drama, Stephenie is still sarcastic. Not often, but it’s still there. Watch for it and it’ll make you smile.
Content Rating: Medium, because this book is steamy. But, if you step back you realize that it’s just kissing. How does she do that?
You’re right! This book really drags! But I think it’s kind of important because if Edward never left her we’d always wonder whether she made the right choice …you know
Krazyyme @ Young Readers