Welcome! I’m so excited to re-read the Twilight Series to get ready for the Breaking Dawn: Part 1 movie release. I decided to add something new to my re-reading experience. I got The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
this year and I really wanted to listen to the playlists that were in there while I was reading the books, so I thought “Why not make an event out of it?” And here we are. Plus you can read along with me, if you like. This week I am reading:
I’ve also made a bookmark for you to download that has a reading schedule on it so you can finish all four books before the movie comes out on November 18.
Below is the playlist for Eclipse. I’ve picked official videos where I can so I’m sorry about the commercials. I’ve also listed the chapter that each song goes with. Happy reading!
1. “Mexican Standoff” Elbow (Chapter 1 – Jacob’s perspective)
2. “Clocks” Coldplay (Chapter 1)
3. “Overweight” Blue October (Chapter 1 – Jacob’s perspective)
4. “Hamburg Song” Keane (Chapter 3 – Jacob’s perspective)
5. “Stab My Back” The All-American Rejects (Chapter 8 – Jacob’s perspective)
6. “The Small Print” Muse (Chapter 8 – Jacob’s perspective)
7. “Mr. Brightside” The Killers (Chapter 10 and 22 – Edward’s perspective)
8. “Newborn” Muse (Chapter 13)
9. “Love Me Like You” The Magic Numbers (Chapter 15 – Jacob’s and Edwards’ perspectives)
10. “Vindicated” Dashboard Confessional (Chapter 21 – Jacob’s perspective)
11. “Hysteria” Muse (Chapter 23)
12. “Uninvited” Alanis Morissette (Chapter 23)
13. “Infra-Red” Placebo (Chapter 24 – Edward’s perspective)
14. “Yes Please” Muse (Chapter 23 – Bree’s perspective)
15. “The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot” Brand New (Chapter 26 – Jacob’s perspective)
16. “Luv” Travis (Chapter 26 – Jacob’s perspective)
17. “Blackout” Muse (Chapter 26)
18. “It’s A Disaster” Ok Go (Chapter 27)
19. “Falling Away With You” Muse (Epilogue – Jacob’s perspective)
20. “The Well And The Lighthouse” Arcade Fire (Epilogue – Jacob’s perspective)
21. “Sleep” My Chemical Romance (Epilogue – Jacob’s perspective)
22. “This Is How I Disappear” My Chemical Romance (Epilogue – Jacob’s perspective)
Love this playlist! I wish I had known about it when I read Eclipse. Surely I’ll find time to read it again someday though so I’ll have to listen along!