Wuthering Heights
by Emily Bronte
Published: 1847
Genres: Classic, Romance
Format: eBook (464 pages)
Source: Purchased
moreWuthering Heights is a wild, passionate story of the intense and almost demonic love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, a foundling adopted by Catherine's father. After Mr Earnshaw's death, Heathcliff is bullied and humiliated by Catherine's brother Hindley and wrongly believing that his lov...
I read this book mainly because it was talked about a lot in Eclipse. I was shocked by how dark and Gothic it was. I can’t imagine what people must have thought when it was published. If I could pick two words to describe Wuthering Heights it would be “passionate” and “bizarre.” I’ve never read anything like it. I knew as I was reading it that I wasn’t supposed to like Cathy. She has a passionate temper that was very unlikeable and yet I couldn’t hate her. In fact, I related to her in a lot of strange ways. I kind of agree with Edward Cullen’s assessment of the book that it’s not a love story but a hate story. The ending was what made me like this book. A lot of the characters are run madly by their passions and I thought for sure the ending would be nothing but a disaster. I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong. If Eclipse has made you curious as to what happens in this book, give it a try. You might actually like it.
Content Rating: None
I can’t believe you gave Wuthering Heights 4 stars! It’s probably one of my least favorite novels. I am glad that you found something you liked about it. Good for you!
I like novels that surprise me and this one sure did!
I really need to start reading the classic books. I haven’t read Pride and Prejudice yet! Awesome review!
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