When I first started this blog, I wanted to write a post about when I read and how I make the time for it. I thought now was a good time to post this because, in case you didn’t know, you can get a special badge on your Goodreads account if you finish your 2011 reading challenge. YOU GET A SPECIAL BADGE AND I WANT IT. I’m 5 books away from finishing mine and finding time to read is of the essence! So, here’s how I find extra time to read. On average, I read 1-3 hours per day. I’d love to hear when you squeeze in reading time and how much you read every day in the comments!
- Don’t watch TV – I never made a conscious decision to stop watching TV, but there hasn’t been many good shows on lately and I fell out of the habit. I haven’t watched TV in months (I watch movies occasionally) and I have to say, I don’t miss it. I love reading instead.
- Read right before you go to bed – It is impossible for me to sleep without reading something. I can usually get in a good 30 minutes while laying in bed before I drift off (thank goodness for my kindle saving my place when I fall asleep before putting it away). I sleep like a rock and I think it’s because reading helps me relax. My kids come in my bed at night sometimes and I hardly ever notice until I wake up in the morning. That’s what I mean by sleeping like a rock.
- Read in the bathroom – I do this all the time and I am not ashamed.
- Read at the playground – I have two kids so I don’t have a lot of free time. One way I get reading in during the day is going to the park in the summer and McDonald’s playground in the winter and letting them run around crazy while I read a nice book. It’s a win-win for everyone. Also, I’ve become very good at zoning out screaming.
- If there’s an opportunity to wait, there’s an opportunity to read – I never leave home without my kindle and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been waiting at the doctor’s office, or the tire store when I got to read while I waited instead of being irked that it was taking so long. Sometimes, I’m even a little disappointed when I only have to wait for 5 minutes.
- Read on the treadmill – I don’t like working out, but it suddenly becomes bearable when I get to read on my kindle. I increase the font size and prop it on the ledge that lots of treadmills have. Voila! You’re welcome.
- Read while you travel – Whether it’s by car, plane, or train, traveling is the best time to read. My first thought when going to Texas to visit my sister was how much pure reading time I would get by waiting for the plane, and while I was on the plane…I was almost giddy.
If you don’t see me on my blog or twitter for a while, it’s because I’m reading like mad! Good luck to everyone who hasn’t finished their challenges yet!
Oh man! I want this badge too! I was at five books to go yesterday but finished one last night.
My time for reading is usually before bed. Once in awhile on break at work, but even then I can only squeeze in a couple pages at best. And I totally read in the bathroom and am not ashamed of it either! :D Good luck!