Brodi Ashton knows how to throw a PARTY. I had a blast at the launch party. I will do my best to relay the awesomeness, but it probably can’t be done :D.
The place was packed with a ton of people. I sat on the front row next to Brodi’s mom (I KNOW). I didn’t know she had reserved her seat there until Brodi was starting her power-point presentation.
Brodi spent most of her presentation talking about how she got published in the most funny and entertaining way possible.
My favorite parts:
- Two things an author needs: DELUSION and DELETION.
- Some guy joined her first critique group just to tell her how much he DIDN’T like her first novel. (Power Point: Mean people suck.)
- Has a contest with her sister-in-law that the first person to get 100 rejection letters from agents wins a trip to Disneyland. (Power Point: I WIN :(
- The idea of Everneath started with the character Nikki and then a scene with Nikki coming back from an unexplained absence where rumors start about why she was gone.
The Q & A
- Brodi Ashton was asked about the love triangle in the book and Brodi said that she didn’t think it was a love triangle because Cole is the villan and Nikki’s feelings are pretty obvious. She says that she does love Cole but adds “Team Jack!” in her cute voice.
- The title was a combination of “Forever” and “Beneath.”
There was quite the line to get my book signed but Brodi had decked the place out with food. There was an awesome cake with the book cover on it plus 3 kinds of sandwiches, gummy hearts, cherry M&Ms, grapes, crackers, cheese, five kinds of cookies, a veggie tray, and chips with salsa. @_@ Yum! I laughed all night long, ate lots of food and had the best time!
UPDATE: I forgot to tell you what question I asked Brodi when she was signing my book! I asked her why Nikki knits. She said it’s because Nikki’s hands shake so much and she needed something to do with them. I said, “Oh. I thought it was for some Greek mythology reason.” She laughed. “I’m not that smart!” I think too much, guys. I really do :D There are a few myths in Greek mythology that have knitting in them…or maybe it was weaving….
The Giveaway!
Ended February 1, 2012.
This sounds like it was an amazing party! I wish I could’ve been there :)
Awesome recap! I couldn’t believe how many people were there. It was crazy! But a fun kind of crazy! :)
I’m having the jealous-ies… And look at that cake! Sounds delicious and filled with signature Brodi fun. Wish she was touring near me :(
Aww, I didn’t mean to make you jealous. I was hoping you would get to live vicariously and hear what Brodi had to say. Course, I guess I can’t share the food…..
Aww, I didn’t mean to make you jealous. I was hoping you would get to live vicariously and hear what Brodi had to say. Course, I guess I can’t share the food…..
That cake looked too pretty to eat!
Soo jealous of all the great signings you get to go to! If only there was some way to convince authors to come to Canada…
Authors don’t come to Canada? You know, if I had to pick between Utah and Canada as the most likely place for authors to come it would be Canada! I don’t know why so many author’s live here…..must be something in the water :)
thank you for the giveaway, I loved the post and I’m happy to hear you had an awesome time. :)
I would LOVE to Win a signed copy! Sounds like you had tons of fun!!!
This sounds awesome. I wish I went to the launch party know, even if was like 300 miles away on a weekday. Anyways! This sounds amazing because I have been dying to get my hands on a copy of Everneath!
In case, I win(you never know)
my email is: anniehans9@sbcglobal:twitter .net
Just telling you this because i have entered sooooo many giveaways so they all blur together but I really want this book. So if i DO win, probably not, you should contact me via email.
I think you’re cool! :D
Annie :)
Aw, you’re so sweet. :) I hope you win, too!
Thx for the great giveaway!! I love your breakdown of the signing – how fun to get her thoughts!!!
Her presentation was hilarious and I’m glad that you liked it!
I have heard so many wonderful things about this book! I hope I win!
The signing sounds like it was really fun!! Love the guitar pick necklace, and that cake looks awesome!! (So amazing what they can do with technology these days, it never ceases to amaze me when I see screen printed cakes.) There aren’t many book signings near where I live besides Cassie Clare, but that’s because she lives in the area.
That’s awesome! I would totally love to meet Cassie Clare.
Thanks so much for the giveaway! I’ve been dying to read this book! :)
This sounds like a great book, thanks for doing this giveaway
cake/ jealous you got cake ^-^
good luck all