Midnight in Austenland
by Shannon Hale
Series: Austenland #2
Published: January 31, 2012
Genres: Adult Fiction, Retelling, Romance
Format: eARC (277 pages)
Source: For Review
The follow-up to reader favorite Austenland provides the same perfectly plotted pleasures, with a feisty new heroine, plenty of fresh and frightening twists, and the possibility of a romance that might just go beyond the proper bounds of Austen's world. How could it not turn out right in the end?
Spoiler free even if you haven’t read the first book in this series.
The first thing that stands out about Midnight in Austenland is the writing. Shannon’s vocabulary choices give it a Jane Austen feel, but it flows so well and is a joy to read. Midnight in Austenland is not really a sequel. The main character is different, the tone is different, but some of the minor characters are the same and, of course, the setting is the same. Midnight in Austenland is loosely based on Northanger Abbey, one of the few Jane Austen books that I haven’t read. (If I had known that, I probably would have read it first so I could compare them.) The witty humor had me laughing out loud and the sarcasm was delightful. There were a few great cultural references that made me think of Gilmore Girls with a longing sigh. My only complaint about the first book was that there wasn’t enough conflict. That is SO not true for this book. The conflict was relatable and authentic. Charlotte, the main character, is so charming in the way that she deals with her trials by using dark, sarcastic humor. The mystery in this book was a lot of fun. All of the characters have something mysterious about them. There’s also a mystery at Pembrook Park that the characters are all trying to solve, but soon it’s hard to tell what is made-up and what is real life. It was an unpredictable, fun, thrilling and adorably romantic page-turner of a book.
Content Rating Medium, for some minor swearing and some violence.
I received this book for review from the publisher, Bloomsbury, through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was not told what to say, I was not paid to write this review and all the opinions expressed are my own.
I’ve heard great things about Austenland, but the main thing holding me back from reading it is I haven’t actually read any of Jane Austen’s books (for shame!) and I feel like I should… I heard Stephenie Meyer is producing the movie though so that’s pretty exciting!
Yeah, it’s always more fun to read a satire if you’ve read the original first. :) I can’t wait to see the movie! It’s going to be hilarious!
NICE!!! I love your review!! I’m still in the middle of the book, and I LOVE your enthusiasm for Shannon Hale’s writing – I totally agree. It’s amazing!
Tell me what you think of it when you finish!