The Savage Grace
by Bree Despain
Published: March 13, 2012
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Young Adult
Format: Hardcover (488 pages)
Source: Purchased
Time is running out for Grace to stop Caleb Kalbi and his gang of demons. If she fails, her family and hometown will perish. Everything rests on Grace's shoulders.
The final installment in The Dark Divine trilogy brings Daniel and Grace's love story to a breathtaking conclusion.
Spoiler free even if you haven’t read the first book in this series.
Like the rest of the series, The Savage Grace does a great job of blending the supernatural with religion. There’s a lot of outward action scenes and conflict, but the inner conflict of temptation was so well done and interesting. Grace’s inner struggle between right and wrong was the best part of the book. Grace has to conquer the demons within herself of hate and anger. And it’s not always black and white. The ending was so cute and even though I saw a lot of it coming, Bree still threw some surprises at me which I enjoyed. In fact, one scene reminds me of the end of the movie Unbreakable. I didn’t connect with the characters as much as I usually do. I liked the characters, I just didn’t connect for some reason. I felt like when I was reading it that there should be more of that feeling of danger than there was. But overall, it was a delightful read.
Content Rating: Medium, for some language and violence.
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