Besides Downton Abbey (which is sadly off the air until next season) I watch one other TV show and that’s Once Upon A Time. I never miss a show and I got Hulu Plus just so I could catch up with all the episodes. Seriously, I pay 8 bucks a month for Hulu and I watch one TV show on it. Here are the reasons that I love Once Upon A Time:
- Mr. Gold!!! (and Rumplestiltskin) – Robert Carlyle, his acting, and the Mr.Gold/Rumplestiltskin character is my number one favorite thing about this show. I love how manic Robert is when he’s playing Rumple and how calculating and lawyer-like he is when he’s playing Mr. Gold. He’s the villan in this show (well, one of them – see below) but so many parts in the show make you go “BUT IS HE???” And he has the best catch phrases. I could watch him say in his crazed voice, “All Magic comes with a price!” on repeat.
- The fairy tales – I thought fairy tales had been done. Nothing could be added to them. That’s why I was reluctant to start watching this show. I was so wrong. The twist in this show is that the fairy tale characters now exist in our world with no magic and no happy endings. It’s like Disney’s Enchanted but darker. It is SO much fun trying to figure out who the modern characters are in the Fairy Tale world. For example – the guy that works in the pharmacy and sneezes all the time is…Sneezy the dwarf! I know, the irony kills me too :) Each episode focuses on a different fairy tale. A lot of the episodes are based on the Disney versions of these fairy tales and it’s fun to watch for the references like the chipped cup in the Beauty and the Beast episode (Episode 12: Skin Deep).
- It’s family friendly – The last time that I watched a good show that was family friendly was in the 90s. TGIF anyone?? :) Well, besides Gilmore Girls.
- It makes you think – The writers have woven a plot that is so complex and interesting. They answer just enough of your questions to keep you sane but then leave so many more unanswered that the theories are endless fun. (Did the Mad Hatter go back to Wonderland? DID HE?! Husband: Obviously he did. Me: There’s no way!) The characters are all complex and none of them can be labeled completely good or completely evil, which I love. Also, all of the names in the modern world relate to the fairy tale characters. For example Ruby/Red Riding Hood, Ashley/Cinderella, Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin (because he spins gold in the fairy tale). So cool! My one and only complaint is that some of the special effects are kind of hokey. Ooh! Rumplestiltskin is on again! I totally forgive your bad special effects!! Honestly, there have only been 2 or 3 effects that made me cringe.
- There are two villans – I can’t remember the last time I read/watched any story that had two villans duking it out but the conflict is awesome. The Evil Queen/Regina is the other villan. Having two villans is oddly making me root for one of them to win. #TeamRumple
- The DRAMA – I luvz drama. There is more drama every episode and I can’t get enough. There are cute moments, too. Like when the modern version of Grumpy the dwarf blows up all the lights to help the nun he likes sell some candles. That has “awww” written all over. But even the cute moments have drama. She’s a nun guys – she can’t date him!
Do you watch Once Upon a Time? What do you like about it?
lol, my boyfriend & I are absolutely obsessed with Once Upon a Time! :) It’s reached the point where we plan our day (or night, I guess) according to it. Love, love, love.
Mr. Gold makes everything amazing. I would seriously watch a show all about him/Rumpelstiltskin. & I would love every second of it.
A show just about Rumplestiltskin is genious :) I’d watch it.
I was SO EXCITED for Once Upon a Time to premiere but once it actually did, I sort of forgot about it?? It seems to be a show I would enjoy though! I’m sad that there isn’t any more Sheriff. I really like Jamie Dornan, ha. I didn’t know that about the two villians thing though, very interesting!
I did the same thing! I loved the premiere and then I didn’t start watching it again until halfway through the season. I got Hulu to catch up because I can’t just watch a new TV show starting at episode 7…that’s just wrong. The Sheriff was so cute :( *Moment of silence for the hot sheriff who is no longer with us.*
Me and my boyfriend love this show. I remember seeing the previews when it was first coming out and I was all ” Ooh this looks really good” and I was so so right. My favorite thing from this show, besides everything really lol, is Rumplestilskin’s laugh. It’s just so crazy and I crack up every time. I love how the show goes back and forth between the fairy tale worlds and the real world they are stuck in. I am still trying to figure out who the stranger is. I just love this show, Thank You ABC!!!
I hope you watched tonights episode because we found out who the stranger is! I won’t spoil it, but it’s really good. If you haven’t seen it yet, go watch it now! Thanks for your nice comment :)
Oh good then I definitely need to watch lol. I have the shows taped so I usually don’t see the episodes til like 2 days later. Now I’m major excited. Gosh I love this show lol.