Hold Me Closer, Necromancer
by Lish McBride
Series: Necromancer #1
Published: October 12, 2010
Genres: Horror, Humor, Supernatural, Young Adult
Format: eBook (343 pages)
Source: Purchased
moreSam leads a pretty normal life. He may not have the most exciting job in the world, but he’s doing all right—until a fast food prank brings him to the attention of Douglas, a creepy guy with an intense violent streak . . . Luckily he lives in Seattle, which has nearly as many paranormal types as it ...
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer was like The Sixth Sense meets Paranormalcy. It’s creepy in a funny way. At first, I felt spine-tingling horror at this one scene but when I was telling my mom about it the next day I realized that it was actually kind of funny when I wasn’t reading late at night in the dark…
I liked the author’s sarcastic style of humor. I highlighted a bunch of lines that made me laugh like this one:
“In fact, if you told most people that the White House was being run by the legions of the undead, they’d probably just say, ‘Figures.'”
The main character Sam is 18 so he faces a lot of college type challenges in his life which I liked a lot, but it made some of the scenes not quite YA. In the midst of the humor and horror I was surprised to see some beautiful and poignant moments. On top of that, the story was full of fun pop culture references that made me laugh and feel smart when I got them. It did an amazing job of covering such a wide emotional range. The villan seriously creeped me out. He was calculating, powerful, and psycho all at the same time. Well done. I loved reading about necromancers. It’s a supernatural character that hasn’t been done much in YA before. All of the characters were so fun and relatable. My favorite character has to be 70 year-old Mrs. Winalski who lives next door to Sam and hints none-too-lightly that he should get out more – like she does.
Overall, it was one of those books that had me flipping pages late into the night. I don’t read horror novels, but this is one of the very few horror novels that I actually liked. I’m so glad I picked this one up and I can’t wait to read the next one.
Content Rating: Medium, for some language, a suggestive scene (but no details) and some violence.
I really really liked this book! I laughed a few times during the reading process, which instantly let me know that Lish was one to watch! It’s got just enough creepy and just enough comedy to make almost anyone happy! :) I’m glad you enjoyed it too!