by Aprilynne Pike
Series: Wings #2
Published: May 4, 2010
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Format: eBook (359 pages)
Source: Purchased
moreAlthough Laurel has come to accept her true identity, she refuses to turn her back on her human life - and especially her boyfriend, David - to return to the faerie world. But when she is summoned to Avalon, Laurel's feelings for the charismatic faerie sentry Tamani are undeniable. She is forced to ...
Spoiler free even if you haven’t read the first book in this series.
Spells was just as engrossing and lovely as the first book. I adore this take on fairy mythology. It’s enchanting, unique and filled with the kind of things that I love to day dream about – fairies, flowers, castles, and houses made of trees. The pace that Aprilynne reveals the mythology is perfect. Your immediate questions are answered, but then you realize you now have ten more! Not only that, but Laurel is discovering everything with you. It’s so easy to relate to her feelings of being an outsider and not truly belonging. I found it so poignant and beautiful.
Even though I was reading this for the second time, I couldn’t put this book down until I got to the end. It just captivates me. The chemistry between Tamani and Laurel is amazing. I mean, there’s a love triangle and this other guy, David, but seriously. Tamani is so heart-breaking, lovable, and irresistable. I’m addicted to this series.
Content Rating: Medium, for a few make-out scenes, a few swear words, and some violence.
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