by Aprilynne Pike
Series: Wings #3
Published: May 3, 2011
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Format: eBook (375 pages)
Source: Purchased
moreJust as life is returning to normal, Laurel discovers that a hidden enemy lies in wait. Once again, Laurel must turn to Tamani to protect and guide her, for the danger that now threatens Avalon is one that no faerie thought would ever be possible. And for the first time, Laurel cannot be sure that h...
Spoiler free even if you haven’t read the previous books in this series.
Each book in this series adds a little more to the mythology. In book 1, we learned about fairies and their biology. In book 2, we learned about where the fairies live and their culture. In Illusions we got to learn a lot about the history of the fairies with some fun references to Shakespeare and King Arthur.
There’s a lot of mystery and intrigue going on about a new character and what their motives are that I can tell is building up to a great finale. In addition to that there’s some love triangle drama/angst/fun – whatever you want to call it (I think it’s fun, romantic and just a little bittersweet). Laurel insists it’s not fun to have guys fight over her, but I agree with Laurel’s mom – it seems fun. At least to watch anyway. We get to see things from Tamani’s perspective for the first time and it just makes me like him all the more. The romance completely swept me away. At the end, I was left with this feeling that this whole thing isn’t going to end well. I hope I’m wrong and that Aprilynne surprises me with the ending in the last book. I’m off to read it and I’m so excited!
Content Rating: Medium, for a few make-out scenes. There might have been some language though I didn’t make a note of it.
I have yet to fall in love with a fae series…. Faeries just tend to annoy me. But from your review, this one sounds really good! I also haven’t read the Iron Fey Series, which everyone always goes on about so there you go – two potential fey series that I should read!
To answer you question about where I get the books for my WOW posts: The catalogues are not laid out in the easiest, most simple way. Part of it is just adding books to Goodreads and then filtering them into categories by publisher as I go. But I do take the time to look through the pdfs of publishers too and it takes a while to go through them all (you need to know what imprints will have the YA books so you don’t need to page through all the children and adult books), but it’s always nice and rewarding when you come across one that you’ve never heard of before and yet sounds right up your alley.
I haven’t enjoyed many fae series either, but this one was good.
I’m impressed with the amount of work you put into those wow posts! I was expecting a magical website that did it for you. I find the best books from your posts. Thanks so much for answering my question!