I love trying to predict what is going to happen in a book. I thought it would be fun to have some of my blogger friends write down their theories for any book – from the realistic to the crazy – and see if they’re right when it comes out!
Today I’m excited to have Inky from Book Haven Extraordinaire share her theories on Rebel Hearts by Moira Young. And don’t miss the awesome interview with Inky at the bottom of this post!
Inky’s Theories
*There might be spoilers for Blood Red Road!*
-We’ll learn more about the Dustlands and the lands beyond
-We’ll get shocking secrets about Jacks past and something happens to him that has lots of after-effects
-A new threat comes up either in the collapsed government or somewhere new.
-Saba will be off on another face paced adventure with her family
-Secrets about Saba and her family will come out.
Blogger Q & A
What is your favorite song?
I’ve always loved “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves, but since my recent Josh Groban Obsession (if you don’t know he is, LOOK HIM UP NOW), so I TOTALLY love “To Where You Are” by him! I also really like One Direction and David Archuleta and lots of musical soundtracks!
I love David Archuleta and soundtracks and Josh Groban! You have excellent taste in music :)
So, tell us something unique about your blog.
I take all the book photos that I have used for my blog button (which I’m totally re-doing, lol) and and other post pretties like Book Hauls and Blogoversarys and stuff. I’m not a techi I pretty much take a photo and then edit it. Yay for Photobucket!
Your new button came out great! I think it’s more important to be an artist than a techi, right? :)
Where is the farthest place you ever traveled? What did you do there?
Ummm…not very far. Lol. The farthest east I’ve been is Colorado visiting family. Farthest North is Seattle, Washington with my dad (we went to a seminar and totally had fun in Downtown. Just me and my dad. It was a pretty sweet date. ) Going South would be Arizona….Yeah. Totally hot I know. And then farthest to the West would be the Ocean! I totally have a big list of dream vacations since I’ve never been super far from home!
I’d say that visiting Colorado from California is far. :)
What is your favorite all-time book?
To me, this is like the biggest no-brainer. Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. First time I ever read it was when I was 10 (but only really because my dad said that if I read it I could go see one of the Harry Potter movies in theater). That was pretty much it. My dad’s LOTR love passed down to me and I’m forever hooked. Besides have you seen the Extended Movie Editions? No other movie on earth can compare!
I can’t believe you read LOTR at age 10! I couldn’t understand it at all until I was like 18. :) The extended editions are indeed the bomb.
Thank you so much for stopping by Inky!
If you want to write a Series Theories guest post, just email me at booksatruestory@gmail.com.
Do you have any theories for Rebel Hearts? Leave them in the comments!
Ok something is wrong with my google reader! I’m only getting updates from some of the blogs I follow! I thought it was strange I hadn’t seen any posts from you or Mundie Moms in a week!
Great interview! Inky is so fun. I love her blog. I haven’t read this book so I don’t have any theories. :) I love One Direction, Josh Groban, and David Archuleta too! Colorado is a gorgeous destination, but you need to make your way down to Texas. Maybe I’m biased. Don’t come in the summer though, it’s crazy hot!
Inky is a doll! It was really fun to read her interview.
My sister lives in Texas! I’ll tell you next time I visit there though it definitely won’t be in the Summer! :)
I really do need to go to Texas. I know people there! Haha. Then we could connect at the bookstore. (what better place is there?) ;)
THANK YOU FOR HAVING ME JESSICA!! You’re amazing and so is your blog. Your meme is totally fin and thanks for the awesome-sauce interview! Haha. I have fun with those. Have a fabulistic-tastic day!