by Veronica Roth
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When I read, I ask a LOT of questions. Here’s some stuff I searched or wondered about while reading Insurgent by Veronica Roth.
From my review:
Insurgent picked up right where Divergent left off which made it nice to read them one after the other. Divergent was good and set up the world really well, but I liked the conflict in Insurgent much better. The factions are so interesting and we get to learn more about the factions Amity and Candor. I love how the factions are this weird combination of a gang, an entire culture of dress and style, mannerisms and education training for a job…Read more
I really loved the conflict in this book. If you haven’t read it yet, you should!
I just bought Breath of Life by Florence + The Machine after watching Snow White and the Huntsman because that song was one of the best parts of the movie (besides Chris Hemsworth). The mood and some of the lines reminded me so much of Insurgent. I felt like Tris was “looking for a breath of life” for a lot of the book. I also thought the song talking about a room being too quiet was very fitting for one of the major scenes in the book.
Book Trailer
Favorite Quote
“Sometimes I feel like I am collecting the lessons each faction has to teach me, and storing them in my mind like a guidebook for moving through the world. There is always something to learn, always something that is important to understand.”
— Tris from Insurgent by Veronica Roth (Pg 269 Hardcover)
I like this quote because I feel like that’s what I should be doing. I should be learning from other people’s strengths.
For the Erudite in Me
When I met Veronica Roth, I asked her what faction she would be in (she said Abnegation because it would be peaceful and not many people choose it) and then she kindly asked what faction I would be in. I said Erudite because I’m a nerd and I’d really fit in there.
Mirror Neurons are mentioned in Insurgent by an Erudite character and they are pretty important to the plot. I had never heard of mirror neurons before. It blows my mind that they are real and almost exactly the way that Veronica describes them in the book.
Free Four
Free Four Mini Book Review: The is a bonus short story by Veronica Roth. It’s a scene from Divergent that involves throwing knives but it’s told from Four’s point of view. My favorite thing about this story is that you get to see that Four isn’t just another jaded love interest. He is an individual that really just sees the world differently than Tris and that’s why they fight sometimes. I found it very authentic and fascinating.
Release Date: August 7, 2012
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