by S.J. Kincaid
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When I read, I ask a LOT of questions. Here’s some stuff I searched or wondered about while reading Insignia by S.J. Kincaid.
From my review:
About half-way through, the pace picked up and the author’s attention to detail spilled over into the interesting, funny and sarcastic characters and their complex relationships. I flew through the last half of the book. The author surprised me more than once with some awesome plot twists. She did something with computers that I haven’t seen done before and then made it so funny. If you’re a fan of science fiction or video games (like I am), go grab this book….Read more
If you like gaming in any way, you should get this book (and honestly, even if you don’t like gaming still get this book). People getting computer viruses that fellow students can write is just plain FUNNY. “Frequent Noisome Farts” was my favorite :D
I know this diary isn’t as long as my other ones, but I hope you still enjoy it :)
The Pentagon (with a few futuristic upgrades) is where most of the book takes place.
Who is…
General George S. Patton?
There are a lot of fictional Generals mentioned in the book, but George S. Patton was real. I’m gonna whip out some wiki:
George S. Patton “was an officer in the United States Army best known for his leadership as a general during World War II. He also developed a reputation for eccentricity and for sometimes-controversial gruff outspokenness—such as during his profanity-laced speech to his expeditionary troops.” *raises eyebrows* You sure know how to pique my curiosity there, Wiki.
Cultural References
I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t know what the quote “Good Morning, Dave” was referring too. After lots of searching on YouTube I found out that it came from 2001: A Space Odyssey. I know, I haven’t seen it. *Hangs head in shame*
This, however, IS a cultural reference that I got without any googling. I’m sharing it because it’s stinkin’ hilarious.
“Oh no, young Skywalker. The ugly is strong in that one.” – S.J. Kincaid, Insignia.
Book Trailer
Out of curiosity, if you could write a computer virus for people, what would it do to them?
Oh man, this book was so funny. The viruses that they came up with were so creative that anything that I could come up with would just seem lame in comparison, honestly. Oh and don’t worry, I haven’t seen 2001 either!