I’m excited to have indie author Ethan Coffee on my blog today. He wrote Fables of the Flag
which is a fun middle grade book about a boy who goes back in time and meets Benjamin Franklin.
Hi Ethan! I like asking authors to tweet their book. Tell us about your book in 140 characters or less.
Join Jack as he time travels to colonial America and meets the young Ben Franklin! Can he get home or will he be stuck in the past forever?
What inspired you to write about the Benjamin Franklin?
I wanted to explore the lives of the Founding Fathers before they made their marks on the world. Sometimes we forget that these were real people who had weaknesses and problems like any of us today. Ben Franklin was the perfect character to kick the series off; embodying so many of the qualities we admire in our Founders. Ultimately, Fables is a fun, engaging story that will encourage readers to learn more about American history, without being a textbook in disguise.
Tell us about your journey to becoming published.
Being self-published is so much more involved than I thought when I set out. Finishing the book is just the beginning. I had to learn the business from the ground up, from finding an editor to getting a cover designed to how to promote. In the end though, it’s an incredibly rewarding process and worth every second I’ve spent.
How long have you had the dream of being a writer?
All my life! I had tried my hand at writing many times before finally committing to it a few years ago. I would plot a story and work on it for a while before getting stuck somewhere and just giving up. Eventually, I forced myself to write five hundred words a day for a month to see what happened. When the pages started piling up, it was a great feeling and almost a responsibility to see it through. Since then, I haven’t looked back and just like with my reading, I now have a large backlog of stories I want to get through!
What books have you read recently?
I just finished Frankenstein and a few upcoming books by some other indie authors. I’m spending most of my days right now trying to finish the third Fables book, so I don’t have as much time as I’d like for reading!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ethan Coffee left California for a few years to study at Purdue University, but is now back in the Golden State. His series, Fables of the Flag, chronicles Jack Preston’s journey through time as he meets famous figures in American history. The second installment, Fables of the Flag: The Surveyor’s Tale, was released July 1st.
This one should be great for kids…and some of us not so bright adults too. ;)