by Jane Austen
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When I read, I ask a LOT of questions. Here’s some stuff I searched or wondered about while reading Persuasion by Jane Austen.
From my review:
My first impression of Persuasion was that Jane Austen writes some interesting and detailed characters. Right from page one, Sir Walter was my favorite character. He’s a jerk, yeah, but he’s hilarious. I don’t know that the characters in this book are as modern as they are in say Pride and Prejudice, but the author’s brutal honesty, especially about the less appealing characters, is always entertaining… Read More
Dream Casting
“[Sir Walter Elliot] had been remarkably handsome in his youth; and, at fifty-four, was still a very fine man.” – Jane Austen, Persuasion pg 1.
The first image that popped into my head was Harrison Ford. He has the rugged, arrogant look that I think matches Sir Walter’s character.
Or if you want the pretty boy approach, there’s Richard Gere. I don’t think he could pull off the jerk that Sir Walter is, but he sure is nice to look at.
Favorite Quotes
“It is singularity which often makes the worst part of our suffering…” – Jane Austen, Persuasion pg 8
“I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul.“ – Jane Austen, Persuasion pg 155
I love that Jane Austen uses real places in her novel.
“[Anne] disliked Bath, and did not think it agreed with her; and Bath was to be her home.” – Jane Austen, Persuasion pg 8
Isn’t that funny, I’ve heard that Jane Austen didn’t like Bath either. I went there in 2008 and loved it.
There is a Jane Austen Centre in Bath, England but Rick Steves said that it’s in a house she never lived in full of replicas and nothing of real historic value. But it does have a massively awesome gift shop (that’s online too!). I skipped it, but if you’re ever in Bath and need something Jane Austen-y to do, you can check it out.
Camden Place
The area in Bath where Anne’s father and sister rent a house while they are renting out Kellynch Hall.
Taunton is the town near Kellynch Hall.
Lyme is visited often in the novel and a few of the characters live there.
The Cobb
The Cobb is a wall in Lyme. It is mentioned on Lyme’s Wiki page as featuring in Persuasion.
Charmouth is a town next to Lyme that Anne talks about and seems to love.
Captain Benwick is heartbroken and therefore addicted to poetry. Here are the wiki page links to the poetry pieces mentioned.
- Marmion by Walter Scott is a poem about lust and whatnot. It includes one of the most famous lines from poetry–
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave
When first we practise to deceive!”
- The Lady of the Lake by Walter Scott inspired a war.
- Giaour by Lord Byron has vampires in it. That’s interesting.
- The Bride of Abydos by Lord Byron is about forbidden love.
What is…
…the Sultaness Scheherazades’ head referring to (pg 151)?
The short answer: a reference to The Arabian Nights.
The long answer: very elegantly written here.
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