For Darkness Shows the Stars
by Diana Peterfreund
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When I read, I ask a LOT of questions. Here’s some stuff I searched or wondered about while reading For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund.
From my Review:
I found the moral dilemma in the book of whether technology is good or bad completely fascinating. I would never have thought that a Jane Austen sci-fi re-telling would work, but it totally does. I loved this unique story and it is one that will definitely stick with me…Read more
Stars really do have a lot to do with this book and here are some constellations mentioned. It was one of my big questions of where in the world this story took place. Based on all the constellations mentioned, you can actually get a really good idea if you want to research it!
Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri is the brightest star in the Southern Hemisphere in the Centaurus constellation. In the picture, the two bright stars are (left) Alpha Centauri and (right) Beta Centauri.
Ursa Major
The famous big dipper constellation is formed from the seven bright stars in the tail. The whole constellation is called Ursa Major. I thought this picture was pretty.
I didn’t know that Andromeda is also a constellation and not just the name of a galaxy.
The Southern Cross
Photo Attribution: Naskies at en.wikipedia
I’ve never seen this constellation in real life, but it’s stunning.
This is one of the constellations that I think actually looks like it’s namesake. Antares is a star in this constellation.
“[Elliot’s] dark hair was swept up in an elaborate system of braids that must have taken her maid hours to achieve, and her new riding habit was a deep, rich green velvet, complete with fringe, tassels, and gold buttons.” –Diana Peterfreund For Darkness Shows the Stars (Kindle Locations 4098-4100) Chapter 33.
The first thing that popped into my head when it said “green velvet” was this dress that Scarlett O’Hara wears in Gone With The WInd.
It’s the same color and it even has tassels! Honestly, it doesn’t look very practical for riding, but gosh darn it that’s the image that stuck in my head.
Favorite Quote
“Envy hurt exponentially more than heartbreak because your soul was torn in two, half soaring with happiness for another person, half mired in a well of self-pity and pain.” – Diana Peterfreund For Darkness Shows the Stars (Kindle Locations 4399-4400) Chapter 36.
There’s a free prequel to this book called Among The Nameless Stars. I haven’t read it yet, but I’m excited to since it’s told from Kai’s perspective.
Have you read this book? Did you wonder about the constellations when you were reading it? Do you have any guesses as to where in the world this book takes place?? :) I have a few but I want to see yours.
This is so cool! I always liked watching stuff on the stars on TV. And I am so glad you mentioned the prequel because I completely forgot about it. I loved the book and now I must read something from Kai’s perspective. :)
I need to read it too!
Sigh, this makes me want to check out constellations again. I used to know quite a few of them. :( And I still need to read this one.
I haven’t been star gazing in forever. I used to have a star chart that we’d use in the mountains. Even with the chart I was so bad at seeing them LOL