Shadow and Bone
by Leigh Bardugo
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When I read, I ask a LOT of questions. Here’s some stuff I searched or wondered about while reading Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo.
From My Review:
Shadow and Bone was like walking through a version of Tolstoy’s Russia that was filled with magic. So many little details reminded me of Tolstoy like the mention of saints, troikas, samovars, peasants, and even the names. The world building was incredible with details being revealed naturally throughout the story and even mentioned more than once so you wouldn’t get confused. Leigh took a culture from our world and tweaked it just enough to turn it into a rich fantasy world. She’s genius, I tell you!… Read More
This post was so hard to write. I kept putting it off because I wanted to add more and more things. Now it’s been so long since I’ve read it that it isn’t fresh in my mind anymore. I was tempted to skip this google diary, but it has so much awesomeness in it that I just couldn’t do it. So without further ado (and a few months late) read about my wonderings…
Russian Culture
The Grisha Examiners arrive in a troika.
“Three figures emerged in elegant fur hats and heavy wool kefta…” – Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone pg 3 (Hardcover).
The author, Leigh Bardugo, has an awesome inspiration Pinterest board for kefta. Here’s the one that is closest to my imagination.
“In the corners, Grisha clustered around samovars and lounged on divans…” – Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone pg 121 (Hardcover).
Russian tea maker.
“This time tomorrow, we’ll be sitting in the harbor at Os Kervo, looking out at the ocean and drinking kvas.” – Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone pg 25 (Hardcover).
Kvas is a real russian drink. I kinda thought she made it up.
The Grand Palace
“It was larger than any building I had ever seen, its terraces crowded with statues, its three stories gleaming with row after row of shining windows, each ornamented extensively in what I suspected was real gold.” – Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone pg 85 (Hardcover).
The Little Palace
“It rose from the trees surrounding it like something carved from an enchanted forest, a cluster of dark wood walls and golden domes. As we drew closer, I saw that every inch of it was covered in intricate carvings of birds and flowers, twisting vines, and magical beasts.” – Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone pg 86 (Hardcover).
See more world building inspiriation on her Tsarpunk Inpsiration Pinterest board.
Also, here’s a great post on why there are two palaces.
The Darkling
He was so interesting to read about. Mysterious, creepy, sexy, oddly compelling…And is he good or not? I still don’t know.
Ana Kuya
“Ana Kuya was already there, birdlike in her black dress, pouring tea from the samovar, her large key ring jangling at her waist.” – Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone pg 3 (Hardcover)
I imagine Ana Kuya, the housekeeper, looking like the housekeeper Mrs. Hughes from Downton Abbey.
Robe Colors and Cuffs
(The Order of the Living and the Dead) – Red Robes
- Heartrenders – Black cuffs
- Healers – Gray cuffs
(The Order of Summoners) – Dark Blue robes
- Squallers – Silver cuffs
- Inferni – Red cuffs
- Tidemakers – Pale blue cuffs
(The Order of Fabrikators) – Purple Robes
- Durasts – Gray cuffs
- Alkemi – Red cuffs
(If you know the cuff colors, please tell me! I couldn’t find it)UPDATED: Leigh answered my tumblr post with the colors. She’s awesome in case you didn’t already know that. :)
Servants – white or tan robes
Russian Lit
I told Leigh when I met her that her book reminded me of Tolstoy’s Russia (and her draw dropped:). Then she mentioned a Russian writer that she like better than Tolstoy that I hadn’t heard of. I think it was Fyodor Dostoyevsky. UPDATED: It was Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekhov. I had saved it in Goodreads but it got lost in the mess called my to-read shelf.
Are there any Russian authors that you like?
This is awesome, Jessica! I am definitely going to be bookmarking this and Leigh’s pinterest page for reference for when I eventually do get to reading Shadow & Bone… can’t wait to read it for myself! I just love the Russian culture inspiration.