To celebrate my month-long event, I have an international giveaway for you. You can win any Star Wars book of your choice. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
You can get bonus entries for participating in the events this month:
- Take the Trivia challenge (you don’t have to get them all right:)
- Read a Star Wars book this month
- Participate in the Darth Plagueis read-a-long starting February 5th
- Leave a comment about Star Wars books you’ve read or your favorite Star Wars memory
- Discuss Episode VII with us
These events are going to go up throughout the month, so you can come back here and enter as the month goes on.
One of the best things about Star Wars is that it does not stop in the movies. We have books, mentions in other books… and this is my comment for the day: I chose the best 10 quotations about/from Star Wars in books I’ve read =]
I loved reading your post! Thanks for sharing :)
Good you liked it xD
One of my favorite memories of Star Wars is watching all three of the original movies in one day whenever I was sick and stayed home from school. I made it a tradition. Now that there are sick movies, I can usually get through four of them in the same day, so I need at least two sick days to do all sick.
Oh My Goodness! I loved this post! Getting to know you better, releating to your teenage crush – all of it. :)
I didn’t watch Star Wars until after I was married and episode I came out. I had to “prepare” according to my husband. I didn’t mind the movies though. They ARE pretty good. Although I am more of a Hans Solo type of gal. ;)
Think I already asked that… where is the quiz? =/
In case you missed it, here’s the link to the quiz i posted today! :)
I took it! And damn, some were hard! O_O Did not search the net, and some were very hard… need to rewatch the original trilogy all over again (what a good excuse lol) – and if I know of good comics I’ll tell u ;) Just digging some =]
LOL it wouldn’t be half as fun if it wasn’t hard :D I need to rewatch the original trilogy too. Next year I might to a twitter marathon or something. I think that might be fun!
You inspired me to make a kinda dark-side giveaway (relax, not even by far a copy of yours, lol, not even Star Wars related ;) – and some friends! How difficult! And I… I know all the answers, by heart, lol. And, well, all of them can be found on the Internet pretty easily, lollollol – I dearly called this giveaway The Revenge of the Sith!
You seem so cool! Not only for liking/adoring SW, there are boring/bad people who do, but for you lovely replies that always make the corners of my mouth rise in a happy smile <3
Your Twitter link was not working, I probably follow you… or not… (getting old and losing memory, lol)
I follow you blog fan page on FB, but if u'd like to befriend me there (see, I'm timid, it is being hard to request that *ashamed & awkward smile here*) – it is /ana.eileen.5
xoxo, Dear
Ps.: Bought another Darth Vader action figure today. For hubby. Yesterday, for me. lol
xoxo, hugs and may the force be with you!
My favorite Star Wars memory is seeing Episode III at the cinema. It was my first SW movie seen on the big screen, and it was so much better than watching previous episodes on TV. I hoped that when 3D renderings of Star Wars movies will be released, they will be brought back into cinemas over here for me to see them all on the big screen, but that didn’t happen.
My favorite is getting to take pictures with darth maul and the storm troopers at disneyland!
I think, if I am not mistaken, did they make the 3 earlier ones on laser disc or something? I remember watching them when I was really young but I can’t remember the type of format. I remember thinking that Princess Leia’s hair was really funny, even then!