My First Fandom Love – None of That Insta-Love Crap Here.
As a kid, I had seen bits and pieces of Star Wars because my dad had recorded them off TV onto a VHS tape (links provided here on out for those who don’t know what I’m talking about). The only scene I remember was some guy saying he thought the weird animal smelled bad on the outside or something like that. And I think they got lost in the snow?
Then jump to 1997 where there were rumors that Star Wars was going to be in the theaters again. I was in middle school at the time and my dad was beyond excited for me to see it in the theaters. I had since watched and remembered more bits and pieces of the TV versions (that were full of commercials you had to fast-forward through) of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, but I had never seen A New Hope. The Empire Strikes Back is really confusing without seeing the first film. Like WHY is this whole planet covered in ice? Like, really.
So, I saw Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope for the first time in theaters and I was on the edge of my seat. Are they going to blow up the Death Star? ARE THEY? I had never seen a movie like that and my nails were chewed to nubs by the time it was over. My dad was a little bitter because I just skipped happily on home and watched the other two. HE had to wait 2 years between each movie.
My Teenage Crush on Mark Hamill
I remember one day that I went to visit my dad at work. His work had THE INTERNET. It was very exciting. A lot of homes back then didn’t have computers let alone the Internet. This is 1998 people. Think of everything you do on the Internet today. It didn’t exist in 1998. Except maybe Yahoo.
So my dad was all excited to show me the Internet. I had never used it before.
Me: What am I supposed to do on the Internet??
Dad: uh……….surf?
Me: What does that even mean?
Dad: It means you look at a website and click stuff to go to other websites.
(FYI good search engines were pretty much non-existent)
Me: …
Me: Why?
Dad: It’s the Internet! I really thought you’d be more excited. Just…look up stuff you like.
Me: ok……
*Looks at computer*
Me: I like Star Wars
*Wonders how you get Internet to do Star Wars things*
*After 3 hours of “surfing” I find some cool screen shots and print them*
*I’m really not exaggerating*
*Also find out from surfing that Mark Hamill is as old as my dad*
*My crush on Mark Hamill is dead X_X*
*Decide I can pretend he’s not old and keep my crush anyway*
Most of my screen shots from the Grueling Interent Search were of Mark Hamill. The one of him staring at the double sun. Squeee!!!! Fanrgirling!!! Of course, I fangirled by myself because everyone else fully realized that he was old now and there were Backstreet Boys to fangirl over.
Why did I have a crush on Mark Hamill? I know he’s whiney, but he tries SO HARD to be a hero and he’s kind of not very good at it. It’s adorable. His hair. And when he finds out that Darth Vader is his father, that sad face just melted my 14 year old self. And the first girl he likes is his sister. How tragic! You can like me! I’m not your sister. Luke Skywalker was sweet and cute and I was in love.
I Love Star Wars So Much – Take All My Money
So I did what every normal fangirl does – I bought everything I possibly could to fuel my addiction. Here are just a few of my favorite Star Wars things :)
- I got the unabridged soundtracks with all 2 hours of music for each film. I listened to them so much I could tell what was happening in the movie just from the music. (I STILL CAN)
- I bought the Special Edition films on VHS and watched the entire trilogy every week for months on end. (Because of this, I can sing that bonus musical number in Return of the Jedi WORD FOR ALIEN WORD)
- I got a really nice notebook for all my Internet screenshots.
- And I got a Trivial Pursuit game that I won every time. After a while people stopped playing with me because sometimes I’d win without them even getting a turn. I miss that game.
My Star Wars life was complete.
George Lucas announces he is going to make the prequels. AHHH!
I Have A New Crush. BONUS: He’s Not Old
I was in high school by this time. The opening day of Episode I sold out everywhere. It was the first time in my life that I had seen movie theater tickets sell out. I had ridiculously high expectations for Episode I. I saw it! I loved it! I thought about it! And I realized that the only thing that really happens in that movie is a podrace. I still like it, though.
For Episode II, I was a senior and didn’t want to miss opening day this time. I got tickets to the Jordan Commons theater but the only show available was in the morning during school. So I got up the nerve to ask my mom.
Me: Mom, can I skip school in the morning and go see Star Wars?
Mom: Sure.
Me: O.o
Episode II was awesome! A bunch of my friends came. You should have heard the gasp that came out of my goody two shoes friend when Anakin said they could “keep it a secret.” And wow is Anakin cute. And kind of a bad boy. Me likey. And since this movie just came out, I know for a fact that he is not old. BONUS.
I got home from the movie just in time for my AP Psychology test, but my mom wants to write a note first to excuse my absence.
Mom: What should I say is the reason you missed school?
Me: I don’t know. Just say I was at the doctor or something. It’s not like they read them.
Mom: I can’t lie…
My Excuse Note: Jessica had to go watch the new Star Wars movie to study for her AP Psychology test.
I got no reaction out of the office attendent when I handed it in. But I’ll have you know that I got the highest score you can get on that test. My “studying” totally worked.
When Episode III came out, I was married to my husband who had never even really seen Star Wars (Husband: Yes I have! Just…not all the way through.). I was determined to fix that. He came with me to see it and said he liked it the most out of all the Star Wars movies. It’s been a process with many discussions of voluntary suspension of disbelief. I’ll tell you what, though, is he glad to have me around since he works with computers and is the only computer geek on the planet that knows nothing about Star Wars. I’ve saved face for him many times.
Episode III is my favorite (Behind Return of the Jedi, of course.). It’s epic and sad with stunning music. My favorite music is during the scene where Anakin is trying to decide whether or not to go to the dark side and Padme is looking out the window….Beautiful. When sadness is done right, it can be so beautiful.
An Old Flame Re-ignited
Since the last movie was out, and I had read all the Star Wars books at the library, my focus turned to fangirling over other things. But this whole Episode VII has reawakened the original fan girl in me. I want to get back to reading a bunch of books and playing trivial pursuit and seeing if I’m still good at it.
I’m really excited to talk about Star Wars all month long. Thanks so much for joining me!!
Tell me in the comments why you love Star Wars. I’d love to hear your stories!
I can’t believe you crushed on Luke and not Han Solo! I still crush on Han Solo. He is just so awesome!
LOL I think I have more of a crush on Han Solo now…. :)
I laughed and laughed at this! But mostly because it sounded just like my (not-so-teenage) obsession with all things Lord of the Rings. I collected some of the weirdest stuff for those movies :)
ooh like what? I want to know. :)
Loved reading this. I think I’ll post my own version on my blog as participation for the event and then mention than I’m doing two guest posts. :D
I crushed on Han. I LOVED Harrison Ford. I loved that he was in Star Wars and Indiana Jones.
My favorite of the movies is Empire and then Sith. I also love the music in that scene you described. And, my most prized possessions are my signed CDs of Jurassic Park and Raiders of the Lost Ark. If I had had the unabridged Star Wars CDs at the time my brother-in-law was working with John Williams’s son and so he could get my CDs signed, I would’ve had those signed hands down.
Oh I can’t wait to read it! And I got your guest post. As soon as I schedule it, I will let you know the date. I’m feeling alone in my Luke Skywalker crush…. :)
That’s so cool you like Empire. I don’t know of a lot of people that do.
You got John William’s to sign your CDs!!! @.@ That is beyond awesome. Do you have the unabridged versions now?
Don’t feel alone. One of my sisters and nieces also loved Luke. :D
And, I do have the unabridged versions now. I also have the only four CD boxed set that I got after I had my JP and RotLA CDs signed.
bahahahaha!!!! Jessica i love you. This was one of the funniest posts i have read in a time! i loved getting to know all about your inner fandoms, while laughing at the same time!! You’re so great Can’t waittosee what else you got up your sleeve this month
Thanks Hannah! :D
I’m a bit older than you, but I remember watching the original trilogy for the first time in highschool and being totally hooked – from the strong & intelligent Leia, to the banged up Millenium falcon, to the tragic hero/farm boy. It was unlike anything else I had seen.
I think the idea of the future being dirty and banged up instead of shiny chrome was pure genius :)
I was one of those “Han Solo” crushers. But I can definitely see the draw to Luke. I love this post…I’m glad I’m not alone in my love for Star Wars. All my life. Movies, video games, books, toys, music…you name it. I was 16 when episode 2 came out and I was SO in love with Hayden Christensen that I thought I would just DIE if I didn’t meet him/marry him/have his babies. Thank goodness that didn’t happen lol.
AHHH! Another Hayden crusher!! I thought I was alone :) It’s too bad his career really tanked.
Where is the trivia challenge? I want to take it? Did you know that Carrie’s father in The Carrie diariesdressed up as CHEWBACA? LOL SO COOL <3
Classic love rings
I am actually moving tomorrow! I’ve been a little behind on my blog. I should have Internet and be settled enough to post the trivia the last week of the month. I’m excited for the trivia too! I promise to get it up as soon as I can before the end of he month.
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Oh, thanks for the reply. I understand these things. =s
Byt the way, re-reading count as a reading? Since I am expecting Darth Paper Strikes Back to arrive from TBD I need to reread The Origami Yoda again, counts as a read? Since it’s been more than a year I read it? {I wanted to read the guide my hubby has, but he won’t let me touch it, lol}
Sure! I saw those at the store the other day and I’ve been wanting to read them ever since. They look adorable :)
The first one I read last year – it is adorable! Can’t wait for Darth paper Strikes back to arrive! <3333
I was just Googling to see if someone besides me on the whole entire planet also used to have a crush on Luke Skywalker. I have a friend I’m pretty sure crushes Han Solo, and I think she thinks I like Han too. It’s not true! I would marry Luke if he was real. It doesn’t matter if Mr. Hamill is old. Real people grow up, but that doesn’t change the cute, young Jedi character from 1977. <3 fangirl memories…
I love so much that you googled posts about crushes on Luke Skywalker :)
I googled posts to see if anyone else had a crush on Luke Skywalker and ended up here. I definitely don’t regret it! Also, I like Anakin but he already has a significant other so I picked Luke. I’m not really into bad boys, I like innocence (probably because I am so shelter I learned today that Katy Perry was a singer).
Well… I discover I’m not the only one who had a crush on him… the ironic thing is… I can’t get over it
. And yes he’s older than my dad but Luke Skywalker is one of a kind.
Thank god I’m not the only 14-year-old who has a crush on Luke.
I just googled to find out if there were others like me … Luke Skywalker all the way! Love Han and his charisma, but the crush is all on noble and good Luke.