For my Star Wars Book Month celebration, I am going to host a read-a-long of Darth Plagueis. I’d love for you to join me!
Today is the first day of the read-a-long. We’ll read part 1 this week. Today’s question is:
What are you most looking forward to reading about in this book?
I really hope reading the back story will fill in a lot of details on Episode III. I especially want to know how much Palpatine learned about the dark side and how that influenced Anakin. I’ve learned a lot with even the few chapters I’ve read so far! And I love the writing in this book. It also has a very subtle creepy tone that is really interesting.
Leave your answers in the comments!
Reading Schedule
February 5th-11 ~ Part 1: Chapters 1-12
February 12th-18th ~ Part 2: Chapters 13-21
February 19th-28th ~ Part 3: Chapters 22-30
I’m really excited to read this along with all of you! Also, you can get bonus entries in the giveaway if you answer today’s read-a-long question in the comments.
Most of the books I have read have taken place after the movies started (my favorite being Labyrinth of Fire…another Luceno book) so I’m looking forward to reading some good ole Star Wars history!! I too am interested in learning more about Palpatine/Sidious and how he got to where he was. I wonder how knowing what happens to him in the end will affect reading this. I also vaguely remember Palpatine talking about Plagueis, but it never really piqued my interest till I heard about this book.
Ah I’m so sorry I missed this comment!
Most of the Star Wars books I’ve read have been after the movies, too. I feel like there is a lot of back story and setting up so far in this book. It’s been really fun to read.
Palpatine only mentions Plagueis once to Anakin. But Palpatine makes him sound like ancient history – I didn’t know that he was Palpatine’s Sith Master. I’ve been intrigued about this story since Palpatine mentions it in Episode III because from the way he told it, I could just tell there was more to the story than he was telling.