Pivot Point
by Kasie West
Series: Pivot Point #1
Published: February 12, 2013
Genres: Science Fiction, Supernatural
Format: Paperback (352 pages)
Source: Won
moreAddison Coleman’s life is one big “What if?” As a Searcher, whenever Addie is faced with a choice, she can look into the future and see both outcomes. It’s the ultimate insurance plan against disaster. Or so she thought. . . . With love and loss in both lives, it all comes down to which reality she’...
The world in Pivot Point seems like the kind of world that Lois Lowry would write about. It seems contemporary but there is a small paranormal twist to the whole thing. And by paranormal I mean “real” paranormal mind powers and not like werewolves and vampires and crap like that. Everyone has mental abilities and powers in the small world Addie lives in.
Addie is faced with a choice of continuing to live where everyone has mental abilities or living in the “normal” world. You get to see each of the choices play out in alternating chapters. It was absolutely fascinating to read.
This whole book was written with a lot of personality. I liked the dictionary definitions at the beginning of each chapter. They were funny, witty and gave clues to which reality the chapter was about. I’m convinced that Kasie West is a genius. She doesn’t just tell two completely different versions of the future – she intertwines them in very clever ways. I couldn’t put this book down all the way until the perfect, heart-wrenching ending.
The characters were all very well done. Her best friend, Laila, is snarky but likable. And Addie is my definition of a hero – brave, honest, and willing to sacrifice to keep the ones she loves safe.
Do not read this book alone – you will want someone to talk to after you are done with it. Witty, perfect, awesome – a must read. My only complaint – I have to wait for book two.
Content Rating: Medium, for some language, very brief violence and a non-graphic mention of sexual assault.
I read an Advanced Reading Copy for this review.
I totally agree with you!! Kasie West IS a genius! This book was so carefully crafted and intricate; it’s amazing!! I’m also bummed that we have to wait for book 2. *sigh* Great review!