Let’s discuss Episode VII.
Here’s what we know so far:
George Lucas is all, “Anyone want Star Wars? I’m selling it for like $4 billion dollars.” And Disney goes, “OH PICK ME PICK ME! I have $4 bagillion dollars!” (Source)
Then Disney is all, “Guess whut guyz?! We R going to make Star Wars: Episode VII!”
And Everyone goes, “IT BETTER BE GOOD.”
Then we find out that the director for Episode VII is J.J. Abrams. He also directed Star Trek, hence the title of this blog post. And the jokes on Twitter about J.J. standing for “Jar Jar” are hilarious. This has to be my favorite joke by far:
Dinner table: *people talk about yay JJ Abrams and Star Wars!* Hubs: I read his fave character is JarJar. Everyone: *horror* Hubs: Kidding!!
— Jodi Meadows (@jodimeadows) January 26, 2013
Mark Hamill is in discussions about returning as Luke Skywalker. He’s old! But I’m still fangirling!!! SQUEEE :) Big bear hug for Luke.
Finally, we find out that Michael Arndt is going to write the screenplay for Episode VII. He wrote Toy Story 3. And that’s when I realize that this movie could be good. All the pieces could come together – a good director, good screenplay, and the return of some of the original actors. And now I feel like this:
As excited as I am for the movie, I have to wonder where they are going to take the story. What will the conflict be? Will the story focus on Luke and Leia’s kids? Who are they going to cast? I’m really hoping they take the time to develop the new characters and have some humor. Every time I watch the original trilogy, I’m surprised at how funny it is. And they better get the conflict right. If they make up some scary guy who’s evil for no reason, I’m going to be very disappointed.
What are your thoughts about Episode VII?
Gifs in this post are from this most excellent blog.
All I want is a spin-off with Obi-Wan so Ewan McGregor can reprise his role. That’s all I want! It could be the worst movie in the world and I’d still be very happy!
I heard about the two spin-off movies! Did they say yet what they are going to be about and when they come out? I’d love an Obi-Wan spin-off! :)
Not that I know of. I just heard about a few spin-off ideas–Obi-Wan, Yoda, Han Solo, etc. I’m hoping for the Obi-Wan one. :D
I want them to bring back Harrison Ford and Carrie Fischer!! Okay, I really just want more Han Solo.
Even though I’m a Luke fangirl, I’m really hoping that if one comes back they all come back! :D
I’m so interested to see what they come up with too. After the prequels I’m a little nervous.
I have loved Star Wars month and getting to know you better. I think Disney will try it’s best to live up to the Star Wars legacy. But I think part of the love and dedication Star Wars fans have is because of Nostalgia. As cool as the new movies are, the old ones with the childlike memories and imagination are the ones we hold dear to our hearts. I hope that the new movies will be the same for our kids.
Aw that’s such a sweet way to put it :)
When I heard last year about episode 7 I was at first SO EXCITED. I love Star Wars, but then I started thinking about it, and I started going back and forth between being excited and thinking that some things just need to be left alone (think: Land Before Time…loved the first one, then they just went crazy with it!) I think that they have no choice but to do it well…there is a big, long standing fan base for these movies…there will be expectations that they are going to need to live up to. I think critical to the success of this movie is the returning of old actors (Luke, Han, Leia, the droids, some of the other species characters would be my ideal), and creating a “realistic” story line (well, at least realistic in the star wars universe). I have never seen Toy Story 3, so I am not familiar with it, but it sounds like you think the writer do a good job. I’m happy about JJ Abrams…he understands the legacy that goes along with a long-time running series and mega franchise (I think he did great with Star Trek) :) All in all, I’m looking forward to seeing what they will bring/add to a great Hollywood tradition!! I’m sure I will enjoy it regardless…because I’m just that kind of person :) Thank you for an AWESOME Star Wars month…I can’t wait till next year!!!
I’m really hoping they pull through and get a realistic story line. I like the way you put it :) I think JJ Abrams is maybe the only director that could do it. Thank YOU so much for participating this month!!!
I was never into the original movies, but if JJ Abrams is making the new one, I’m not too worried, because he’s one of my favorites. The old actors are OK for supporting roles, but I expect the main character(s) will be young, as it’s Disney and also because, at least since the prequel movies, Star Wars franchise aimed at young audiences.
I always wanted to see the characters and events from Timothy Zahn’s Star Wars books, but I’ve read that this will be an original story. And I’ve also read that this is going to be not one sequel, but a trilogy of movies.
I hope the old actors make more cameo appearances than anything, too. oh yeah, I forgot to mention that it’s actually three new movies! The whole thing is still crazy to me. :) in a good way.
Also, it’s going to be very weird for me to watch this movie with Mark Hamill, as I also know his voice as the Joker from Batman (and other) animated series:)
I just found out that he did all that stuff! I had no idea.