A Breath of Eyre
by Eve Marie Mont
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When I read, I ask a LOT of questions. Here’s some stuff I searched or wondered about while reading A Breath of Eyre by Eve Marie Mont.
From My Review:
As I was getting about a third of the way through the book, I started to feel like it was all very predictable. It wasn’t veering much from the Jane Eyre story at all. There were a lot of lines that came directly from Jane Eyre. Just as I was about to give up, the author threw a twist in there that I did not see coming. It was the kind of twist in a story that changes everything and gives you chills. I was glued to the book after that. And the story grew into so much more than a retelling…. Read More
Love the Opening Quote
…”and best of all, to open my inward ear to a tale that was never ended – a tale my imagination created, and narrated continuously; quickened with all of incident, life, fire, feeling that I desired and had not in my actual existence.” – Charlotte Brone, Jane Eyre
The creepy cousins
“My cousins were eyeing him with interest, too. Ashley and Devin were thirteen-year-old twins who resembled the creepy sisters from the Shining movie…” – pg 8
O.o They are wearing frilly dressy and holding hands and somehow it’s the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen.
Emma’s Dad
“[My dad was] handsome in a Gary Cooper way, meaning he could look rugged or elegant, depending on the context.” – pg 10
This would be the rugged version… Very nice.
Mildly Famous Celebrities Mentioned
Carl Sagan
“And that’s your dad?” I said, pointing to the other photo.
She snorted at me like I was a moron.
“That’s Carl Sagan.”
“Oh.” Long, awkward silence during which I felt like a complete idiot.” – pg 24
Charles Sagan was an American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, and author. He wrote the book Contact that was made into a movie. That movie was killer awesome. How cool that it was written by a real scientist?
Woody Guthrie
“Or roam the country singing songs like Woody Guthrie.” We both gave him blank stares. “Don’t tell me you don’t know who Woody Guthrie is.” – pg 40
LOL I don’t know who Woody Guthrie is, either. He was a famous folk singer who sang a lot about the Great Depression. His most famous song was “This Land is Your Land.” He traveled a lot and got the nickname “Dust Bowl Troubadour.”
Nick Carraway
“[Owen] was dressed in a black tux, his hair slicked back to look like a 1920s idol, like Nick Carraway or Rudolph Valentino.” – pg 157
Nick Carraway is a character in The Great Gatsby. This is a poster of Toby McQuire looking mighty fine as Nick in the new Gatsby movie.
Rudolph Valentino
Rudolph Valentino is a sexy Italian actor from the 20s who died young.
Books Mentioned
Life of Samuel Johnson by James Boswell. According to Goodreads: “WIDELY REGARDED as the finest literary biography ever published…” I have honestly never heard of this book. But I should give it a try, eh? It’s only 1400 pages.
The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe. I definitely want to read this one. I love Gothic romances.
Music Mentioned
“Gravity” by Embrace. Cute love song, especially in the context of the book!
And there is a fun quiz at the end of the book. If you got lost in a book, which literary character would you be? It was fun to take. If anyone cares, I was Elizabeth Bennet :)
Book Trailer
I really love these posts! Tobey is no Leo but he doesn’t look half bad in that picture!
Lol no one is Leo :D. But this is the first time that I thought tobey looked yummy :)
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