I invited my family over to have a Star Wars Marathon. We’ve had a few Lord of the Rings Marathons in the past where we eat all day while watching the extended editions of all three LOTR movies. We all thought it would be fun to do one for Star Wars, too. Then I found out that my cousins haven’t seen Star Wars at all!! What have they been doing the last 35 years? Ok, for 15 of those years they weren’t alive, but still….
We had a blast. Ate tons of food. And oh the funny things that my family says :)
For the food, I totally copied was “heavily inspired” by this pin.
I divided the food up into “courses” for each movie (We were only watching the original trilogy. The hatred in my household for the prequels is strong.). I matched the food to go along with each movie and then made crappy imitations of the signs from the above pin. (See bottom of post to download my crappy signs. But hey they’re free.)
Episode IV Food
My two boys were beyond excited to drink the blue milk. I thought that was adorable :)
My Family’s Episode IV Commentary
Me: Peter Jackson was inspired by Star Wars to make everything look worn and dirty to be more realistic.
Aunt: Everything is pretty realistic. Except Leia’s lipstick. It bugs me.
Luke Skywalker: Who is she? She’s beautiful.
Dad: She’s your sister.
Cousin 1: !!!!
Me: Well, spoiler alerts don’t apply if the movie has been out for 30 years.
(We tried to stay spoiler free after that. Oops :)
Luke’s aunt and uncle are dead and smoking
Aunt: I was thinking of bringing fried chicken for this part.
Everyone: That’s Horrible! And kind of funny! And fried chicken sounds really good…..
Episode V Food
I thought of the idea for Millenium Balcon all by myself *beams.* And the Taun Taun Sausage. 10 points if you can figure out what it’s for….
I explained to my aunt that when Han Solo cuts open the Taun Taun it kind of looks like sausage. She was grossed out and couldn’t believe I gave her a hard time about the fried chicken. LOL.
My Family’s Episode V Commentary
R2D2 falls in the swamp on Yoda’s planet Dagobah.
Cousin 2: If R2D2 dies I’m gonna….
Mom: But he’s not alive.
Cousin 2: ….
Cousin 2: Well if he MALFUNCTIONS I’m going to be very upset.
Luke is still on Yoda’s planet Dagobah.
Dad: How did they get a snake in there? CGI? Oh they didn’t have CGI back then.
Me: It’s probably a real snake.
Dad: I have seen snakes at the zoo. They don’t move.
Aunt: Maybe there’s a snake trainer that can get them to move…
Dad: *unconvinced*
Leia and Han discuss scoundrels
Cousin 2: *giggles*
Han, Leia and Chewie investigate noises outside in the cave while on the asteroid
Dad: *sarcastically* It’s a good thing there’s oxygen out there.
Me: They’re wearing masks! Didn’t you see them grab the masks?
Dad: Ok NOW I see the masks.
Darth Vader shows up in Dark Side cave during Jedi Training
Cousin 1: Is that like a boggart with his worst fear?
Cousin 2: Stop with the Harry Potter!
(Cousin 1 is a huge Harry Potter fan and everything can be compared to Harry Potter.)
Episode VI Food
My dad thought the pizza was a reference to Pizza the Hutt from Spaceballs. Ha ha that works too. :)
My Family’s Episode VI Commentary
Darth Vader: I see you have constructed a new light saber. Your skills are complete.
Dad: You have to build a lightsaber to be a Jedi? You have to get the lightsaber merit badge?
Luke Skywalker is still cute. And my aunt totally agrees with me that he has good hair.
Free Food Labels
If you want to copy my party, here’s the files I used to label the food. Click each image to see the full size. Then just download, save and print :)
Fun! I’ve only done a Star Wars Marathon once, and we did all 6 movies. It was a long day! The LOTR marathons are more fun I think. It isn’t as long either.
Tell me you’ll be doing this again when Episode VII comes out next year…
Heck yes. I don’t need an excuse to eat too much food and watch TV all day. Besides, I’m pretty sure it’s required to watch the original trilogy before Episode VII comes out. :D