by Ally Condie
Series: Matched #3
Published: November 13, 2012
Genres: Dystopian, Young Adult
Format: Hardcover (512 pages)
Source: Purchased
moreOne young woman has raged against those who threaten to keep away what matters most—family, love, choice. Her quiet revolution is about to explode into full-scale rebellion. With exquisite prose, the emotionally gripping conclusion to the international–bestselling Matched trilogy returns Cassia, Ky,...
Spoiler free even if you haven’t read the first book in this series.
“But we do find answers in beauty, more often than not.” – Ally Condie, Reached pg 507
More poetic writing from the lovely Ally. In the final book of the Matched trilogy, we get a lot of questions answered, like how Cassia became immune to the red tablet. But Ally doesn’t answer everything which is what makes this book stick with me. In fact, when she signed my book she wrote “Remember – it’s all right to wonder…” I’m still wondering about the Otherlands…
We also get to learn where the Rising came from. Each of the narrators work in a different part of the Rising so we can see all sides of it. I felt like there was more plot in this book than the other two in the series. I flew through this book in only 3 days (which is fast for me). This is not a fast, action-filled plot but I loved how it still surprised me along the way.
All of the characters are reaching for something. Some of them make it and some of them don’t. I loved how significant the title was to the whole story. The colors red, green, and blue are woven throughout the narrative, tying the whole thing together in a beautiful way.
“I realize now how much courage it takes to choose the life you want, whatever it might be.” – Ally Condie, Reached pg 471
Cassia doesn’t defeat the Society in a huge, explosive way. She defeats it in a very subtle and personal way which I found very moving.
Overall, a beautifully written dystopian full of depth that I enjoyed.
Content Rating: Everyone.
Yes this book was beautiful and poetic. I love the look of your blog these days. The posts look so professional! You’ve done a lot of work on it. Great job girl.
Thanks! It’s mostly from a plugin – I couldn’t make it look like that on my own lol.
It’s nice to see you around :) Hope everything is going well with you!
Yes! This was a fantastic end to the trilogy! I just love the beauty of the writing in the book! AND…your blog is so purty and clean! I love your new look! <333
Thank you! It’s mostly from Ashley at Book Nook’s Ultimate Book Blogger plugin. She’s the best :)