Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish with a different theme every week.
1. Long Series
If a series has more than 4 books, I am really intimidated by the commitment that it would take to finish all those books. And what if they publish more? There could end up being 13 books like in the Pretty Little Liars series. I mean, at least a long 1000 page book is done. A series could never end. I’m looking for a one-night stand or a 3 month fling….I’m not sure if I’m ready for a long-term commitment like this.
2. Audiobooks
I am atrociously bad at remembering things I hear. I’m an extremely visual person. My mind wanders when I’m listening to the radio…or people talking…Maybe listening to audiobooks would help me develop my listening memory, but more likely it would just be 14 hours of words falling out of my brain. I’m not going to stay away from audiobooks forever but they definitely intimidate me. A lot.
3. Harry Potter Page to Screen
For some reason the sheer physical size of this book really intimidates me. How am going to read that huge book in bed at night???
4. Epic Poetry
Sometimes I don’t even understand half of these words that show up in epic poetry. And there’s a plot right? Sometimes the plot gets kind of lost in all. those. words.
5. Contemporary YA
Oddly, I’m intimidated by the lack of dragons, evil governments, the world coming to a horrible end, magic, and paranormal creatures living among us. I’m scared that I would be bored without all those things. Don’t worry – I’m still going to try it. And I’ll probably start with Anna and the French Kiss.
6. Non-fiction
Non-fiction takes me longer to read than fiction and I’m intimidated by how long it might take me to read it.
7. Books Everyone Read in School
If I haven’t read a book that is commonly read in school (like Lord of the Flies), I worry – “Am I getting everything out of it that I’m supposed to?” And I kind of have a weird feeling like I’m not allowed to read it if there isn’t a test afterwards….
8. Short Story Anthologies
So….am I supposed to read all these stories until I’m done? Or just one story a day?? I’ve been reading The Grim Fairy Tales for a year now. It feels like I’m never going to finish it.
9. Origin of Species
This is a text book written in the 1800s. The thought of reading it cures my insomnia like THAT.
10. Adult Fiction
Honestly, I feel like adult literary fiction goes over my head sometimes like I’m not smart enough to read it. It’s a little intimidating to me.
What books were on your top ten list this week? Leave a link and I’ll come look!
Well… I sort of understand your reservations about contemporary. I love the fantasy and get sad when there isn’t at least a little. But there is something special about contemporary. And Anna and the French Kiss is … . AMAZING. Seriously.
Also, I should read Origin of Species, too, being the biology teacher that I am. But it intimidates me, too! Oh gee.
I know everyone says its amazing. I’ve got it signed and everything so it will be on my TBR really soon :)
I tried reading Origin of Species and after 30 pages I couldn’t tell if he was still talking about the same bird….I might have to space that one out :) It totally reads like a biology textbook written in the language of the 1800s. You’d probably get more out of it than I would being a biology teacher and all. I know nothing about biology. :)
I am not big on contemporaries either. I just don’t feel comfortable and they often make me cry so that’s another no-no.
Origin of Species should be on my TBR as well. I really want to read it.
Thanks for stopping by :)
Series have become very intimidating to me as well! I have so many books on my to-read list as it is! I hate to miss out on something awesome though!
I have to limit how much time I spend listening to an audiobook because I also zone out and think about other things. I’ve been working on improving my listening to audiobooks for a few years now and I think I can only make it about an hour before I just can’t listen anymore.
I just read Anna and the French Kiss today and I LOVED it. It left me wanting more but completely satisfied at the same time. I felt the same as you about contemporary YA until just this year I really started picking some up and loving them. I’m probably most intimidated by the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan…I’m on book 5 right now…it has taken me 6 years to get that far. There are just so many POV’s and different journeys, that I’m always losing track (my husband is a big fan and can pretty much answer any question I can think up…so that helps). I love them though, so eventually I do believe I will read them all. My other big intimidating book I have on my TBR is a translation and transliteration of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
My favorite time to listen to audiobooks is when I’m travelling. I probably travel more than a lot of people because I live in the country and to even get to the nearest target I have to drive for at least an hour and a half. I have come to really enjoy them in the last couple years. But I space out eventually too. It takes me 50 times longer to finish a book via audio than just reading it.
The Wheel of Time series would sooo intimidate me. I might start them if there were extensive sparknotes or something. I’m sure there is somewhere on the internets :)
Listening to audiobooks while traveling sounds really fun. I’m glad I’m not the only one that spaces out while listening. I wonder if I followed along with the book? That seems like cheating somehow. Thanks for your amazing comment!
harry potter page to screen i think is a great book to browse through here and there and skip around … I consider it ‘passive leisure’ reading … I don’t know if I could ever read it cover to cover
LOL I like the label you gave it :)
I love your list. I agree with most everything you put down! I’ve loved the contemporary YA books I’ve read so far, but I’m with you. I love dragons, magic, fantasy, new worlds, so contemporary intimidates me a lot too, especially when it’s about real world issues.
Oh goodness, Pretty Little Liars. I was a fan of the books – until I found out the author was extending the series. Like, no thanks.
And don’t be afraid to read Anna and the French Kiss, it’s really as good as the hype says it is! ;D
Great list & thanks for stopping by my TTT! (:
Oh, I love the way you structured your choices – not specific books, but topics. And I completely agree with all the ones you chose! Especially non-fiction and poetry. And ohhh, please read Anna and the French Kiss!! It is so lovely.
This is a great list. I’ve felt intimated by all of these at one point or another. From my experience Audio books can be great if you give them a try. They are great to use if you are driving or at the gym.
I’m going to try tackling more literary and Adult fiction next and I’m excited to start. I’ll probably stay away from Origin of Species and Poetry for a while.