Siege and Storm
by Leigh Bardugo
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When I read, I ask a LOT of questions. Here’s some stuff I searched or wondered about while reading Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo.
From my review:
One of my favorite things about the first book was the beautiful imagery. And we get more of it in this book. A dragon in the cold sea. A sailing ship that flies. I love this unique world and how alive it is. I want to save it just as much as Alina….Read more
Leigh has an amazing Pinterest page for all her books. I didn’t google very many things for this book, but I did find some gorgeous pictures that I wanted to share from her Siege and Storm page. Check out Leigh’s Pinterest account for more gorgeous stuff.
Those dreamy blue eyes are definitely Mal!
Bone Road
I can’t embed it, but this picture is a gorgeous visual of The Bone Road. Seriously go check it out!
The True Sea
I imagine that the pirate ship they sail on in the True Sea would look like this.
Books & Music
The Inferni lit bonfires along the lakeshore, and somewhere in the dusk, someone tuned a balalaika.
-Leigh Bardugo, Siege and Storm, pg 350
It’s a Russian folk instrument. Cool!
Istorii Sankt’ya
The Istorii Sankt’ya or The Lives of Saints is a book that has an important role in the story and it gave me giddy Harry Potter flashbacks. It’s a Collection of religious drawings. And mythical animals from fairy tales come to life. (pg 53 and pg 77)
Ok I’m gonna need a fully illustrated and complete edition of this book. Just saying.
Favorite Quotes
Anything worth doing starts out as a bad idea.
-Leigh Barduo, Siege and Storm pg 101
“We’re giving them hope. That’s better than nothing.”
“Spoken like a man who’s never had nothing,” I said…
-Leigh Bardugo, Siege and Storm pg 174
Short Stories
Two of these stories are companion folk tales and The Tailor is a short story from Genya’s point of view. I so want to read all of these right in order when the final book comes out! The links go to Goodreads if you want to add them.
Book Trailer
This is such a cool idea! I’ve never even considered googling things as I read so that I have images in my head. Brilliant!
Also, that picture of Mal makes me want to change sides. :D
Ha! If you’ve changed sides then I think my work here is done :D
I have a google addiction lol. I actually found a lot of these pictures on Leigh’s pinterest page. Do you follow her? If you don’t you totally should. Because I’ve found pins that might have clues for the next book like this one :)
This is an amazing idea! I always Google things as I read! I love this!
COOL! I do recall you mentioning Leigh’s Pinterest page from before, for your post after Shadow and Bone, but I forgot to check it out. Thanks for the reminder. Just gorgeous, all of this! I can’t believe the Istorii Sankt’ya is a real book! Huh, who knew.