Ender’s Game was an amazing adaption of the book! The timeline was condensed and the political sub-plot involving Ender’s brother and sister was dropped, but this movie really captured the book. I felt the intensity of the competition and the brutality of the school and the tragic fate of Ender. The biggest struggle to bringing this to screen was the fact that a lot of the story happens in Ender’s head. So it was kind of strange to hear conversations that were originally all Ender’s thoughts become a conversation between two people. But it really made the movie work. I recognized lines taken directly from the book in the movie. It was a very faithful adaption of the book.
The visual interpretations of things that were abstract in the book was so cool. The tattoos on Mazer’s face that represented the Speaker for the Dead was one of my favorite touches. I also liked the visual way they showed the communication with the aliens. The communication wasn’t as clear as the book, but it was so fascinating to watch.
I really loved the special effects in this movie. And the music was great.
The casting was just spot on. Asa Butterfield was so amazing. He captured the brutality and genius of Ender but also showed so beautifully his vulnerable side. I loved the way that he delivered my favorite line of the movie:
The way we win matters.
-Ender Wiggin
One change from the book that I noticed was the fact that they didn’t call the aliens “buggers” in the movie. They called them by their species name, Formics. It was a distinct choice and I’m curious why they did that. I wonder if it was to make the aliens more strange and formidable or if it was to give the aliens a name, so to speak, and make you identify with them. I think it kind of accomplished both. What do you think?
I like how disturbing and strange the aliens looked and how bizarre their world was. They are definitely not easy to love or even tolerate.
This movie is one of my new favorites. It was surprisingly funny, beautiful, and epic with stunning special effects and some amazing acting.
Spot on review! I loved Ender’s Game, and I think that the movie captured the feel of the book. Nothing was changed unless it was necessary for theatrical purposes. The Battle room was just as awesome as I imagined it, and Ender’s emotions after the destruction were poignant.
I’ve been hearing such mixed reviews that it’s great see your positive one! Can’t wait to see it! Ah, so many movies to see right now. Time! I need more time!
I was wondering if Ender’s siblings plot was going to be dropped. It makes sense that it was dropped, but that was actually my favorite part of the book. I am glad that you liked the movie.
Oh wow! I didn’t realize you did this type of thing. I just posted something similar on my blog. Oops.
Also, I think they changed it form buggers to formics because “bugger” is a highly offensive word in England. It’s more offensive than the F-word. So, to make it appealing worldwide is why I think they changed it.
Lol no worries Jenni. Book vs movie is hardly something I invented. :)
I didn’t know that about the word buggers. That’s really interesting. I bet that us why they changed it. Thanks for telling me :). I’m going to check out your review ASAP. I love reading what people thought of it.
Cool! I’m excited to see this! I’m glad they took out the political stuff. I’ve heard that they kinda mixed Ender’s Shadow in the movie, but I don’t see anything of Bean in the trailer or other reviews.
Bean is in the movie and he appears much sooner than he did in the book. He’s still a pretty minor character though.
I love books to movies! I haven’t read this book, but maybe I’ll see the movie anyway. Would that be bad of me? I keep missing movies because I never get around to reading the book! LOL Or maybe my kids make me miss movies.
I’m slowly starting to change my mind on reading the books first. I think it helps to like the movie better if you gave nothing to compare it to. Then you will just be wowed by the book too! The only downside is that it will spoil the ending. :( ha my kids make it hard to see movies too. DVD is just easier. :)